Asmodeus's return


Asmodeus's Return

Earth will once again be plagued with Asmodeus's legion of devils. Plan to spread our evils to the next grepolis world and dominate it.

This alliance will be an elite alliance and will be set you very organized because I've learned the most organized alliance is usually the best.

The alliance will be set up like this-


- Thedemon447

Head Council


Council (= every council member must also be a team leader)


Minister of Attack


Minister of Defense


Forum Mods


Team leaders ( will monitor all players in there team and discover those that are slow/inactive/ or not fighting )


- every team will consist of 5-10 players
- leader will monitor every member if there team
- every player will be assigned a team
- will try to keep teams close to one another


When it comes to fighting we will be fighting from the end of beginners protection and i expect every player to be aid other alliance members in both attack and defense.

*Preferable world and alliance *

New World :undecided
Release Date : ???
World Settings
World Speed : 2 or more
Unit Speed : 2 or more
Alliance Limit Set : 100 (we will have a max of 50-60 for now)
Beginner Protection : Whatever
Morale : inactive
Conquer System : Revolt (Best)
Location : Unknown (Mail will be sent to the members before the world opens providing a location).

If you wish to join me for world domination please fill out the following in a personal message to me

1) How active are you?
2) what type of experience do you have in Grepolis or similar games like envoy?
3) are you a team player? by this i mean are you willing to aid your fellow alliance members
4) Do you have a skype? or if you dont would you be willing to create and use one? ( its free )


5) if you want a higher position what position do you want and what kind of experience do you have in that field?

-Pickled Soldier
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I have a premade for world Marathon hope to see you there and pact after BP if everthing goes well.


OKay i will add you to the maybe list first whats your mane account i looked you up on grepostats and saw nothing


We might be joining marathon im hoping for some good world settings


I haven't played for maybe 5-6 months, so I am hoping to get a good new start. I am active and do have a good understanding of the game, but to answer your question, this is why I have no grepostats.


I think Ill join Marathon the time being. If a world with nice settings comes out Ill join it with you guys.


i know during that day ironically enough i had a family emergency looking for the next world i guess