Athena's Records Shut Down


Sorry to burst the bubble but it was almost impossible to 'fake' online times the way I calculated it if you actually played the game, without spending the whole time trying to fool the system.

While yes the base value was on ABP, it was a lot more complex than just showing you them values a fair bit of math behind it to generate the graph/values that you saw as the end user.

Simply sending a few attacks when you slept would not have thrown off the graphs in AR.

That's good to know.


Last week Microsoft announced it was reducing the cost of storing the data on Azure, taking this in to account along with the few donations I have received with a few code changes I am hoping to get 'a version' of the website up and running again over the Christmas Period. At this stage I am not going to set in stone any expectorations however I hope to be able to offer some sort of tool for offline times. With my improved algorithms that were never on old Athena Site.

I will update in a few weeks time when I have had time to think/plan and code something.

Saska, i love you!


Now I get to be lazy again and rely on other people! :p

Love the site.


I don't. It was better with the old way of working. Now people just check online times and send some attacks. Back in the time we needed to work for that. It's part of the game, being online or not. Knowing activity times like that just spoils the game. You need to work for that data.


Athena's Records

What do you need donations wise to get the site back up and running?