Attacking unit discussion


i am wondering what new combos i should try
as far ive played i have
slinger nuke
200 slinger 300 horseman combo
i have a defensive city and two new cities being built that i dont knw what they should be help?


everybody has their own idea about what the best attacking nuke is, but really the best nuke is different for every attack you do.

what i do is just build whatever attacking units i have resources for (horses and slingers balance out resources fairly well, with the odd hoplites or chariots thrown in when i feel like it). i always say that the best nuke is the one which is built, as opposed to being 'under construction' or only half built because you're waiting for the right resources.

if you want to get theoretical and technical then pure nukes are always better if you have the correct one (pure nuke = all slingers, all horses or all hops/chariots). if you find the weakness in the defence then you send the appropriate nuke and you will always have lower casualties than any mixed nuke, e.g. if the defence is short on distance defence then you send a pure slinger nuke. the only exception is against a perfectly balanced defence, in which case any pure nuke will have exactly the same casualty rate as any mixed nuke, but other than this rare case, pure nukes will always be more effective.

that being said, pure nukes are more of a chore to build because they tend to drain one resource and not another, leaving you unbalanced and needing trades to get your resources back on track. also , building pure nukes means that you need at least 3 land attack cities in any given area so that you can choose the correct nuke after spying. all in all it's far easier and quicker to just build whatever you can :)

EDIT: one exception i like to do is pure sharp nukes (hops or chariots) because then that city can double as land defence when needed.


thank you

that also goes for naval right?

if i go full out naval offesnive i should have lets say 100 horses to farm??? or some kind of defense

haha i like asking questions


that also your choice :)

a lot of people (most good players really) like to keep 75-150 horses for farming, and if you farm regularly then it's probably a good idea. if you're lazy, or feel like you don't need to farm coz your other cities can provide resources, then you can leave them out.

EDIT: 75 is the minimum most ppl use coz that lets you farm a full 6005 in 2 journeys. one of 3x25 strengthening and then one with 10 strengthening and 65 looting. 150 lets you do the same all in one go (and 150 is enough to farm most stubborn player cities on your island once you have cleared them).
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or you can use just 60 if you have booty researched...


we were talking about the numbers for 1.26 worlds...


65 horses won't work very well for farming in a 1.x world coz then you can't strengthen before your looting wave hits so you won't take 6005 every time ;)

if you're on a 2.x world then you don't need horses to farm, but you will need them to take some farming villages (i think 250 or so is reasonable for the 8th farm, after taking it you're left with ~100 horses to farm the player villages on your island).

if you're not interested in farming the player villages on your island in 2.x then there is no need to build horses after you've taken all your farms though ;)


65 horses won't work very well for farming in a 1.x world coz then you can't strengthen before your looting wave hits so you won't take 6005 every time ;)

if you're on a 2.x world then you don't need horses to farm, but you will need them to take some farming villages (i think 250 or so is reasonable for the 8th farm, after taking it you're left with ~100 horses to farm the player villages on your island).

if you're not interested in farming the player villages on your island in 2.x then there is no need to build horses after you've taken all your farms though ;)
Pythag, I was saying 65 horses for the looting itself...


Well in my opinion is that pure nukes work best. 1.3k sling, 1.3k hops or 420 horses plus LS. then depending on the spy report I will send in troops that will do the most damage first (or try to)
so if a spy shows 1.5k swords 3k Archers 1k Hops,
I'd send in 2 or 3 horse nukes, then some hops and end it with slings.

lowest losses that way