Band of Misfits



We have a core group of experienced players, and are looking for experienced players, who want to join an aggressive alliance.

We will take the odd new player and provide help and guidance to them but only those who are willing to be active and to try their best since new player places are limited. If you have one, please include a link to your Grepostats for us to look at.

Only players in O36 currently, or who haven't yet joined and can be given an invite link to drop you near us, will be accepted.

We don't like pacts... so if you want to be in an alliance that has so many friends you can't attack any closer than 25 hr by cs, then this one is not for you.

If you'd like to come cause some havoc with us please mail me on this forum for a chat.

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Not a single word about your alliance's dental benefits?

Nothing about a mid-winter Social? Maybe something with a nice buffet table and a band? You know.... how do you kids say it nowadays.... "something we can all "boogie on down" to"?

No signing bonuses? Team T-Shirts? Misfit mugs?

No matching 'toos?

No theme music?


I see NO good reason to join your little band of misfits...


Not a single word about your alliance's dental benefits?

Nothing about a mid-winter Social? Maybe something with a nice buffet table and a band? You know.... how do you kids say it nowadays.... "something we can all "boogie on down" to"?

No signing bonuses? Team T-Shirts? Misfit mugs?

No matching 'toos?

No theme music?


I see NO good reason to join your little band of misfits...

dental plans? how bout all the fresh meat u can sink your teeth into?

mid-winter social, uhm that's what we call a war!
no buffet tables, we can only promise lots of victory parades, and we do have blood baths! that's something u just can't get at your average spa anymore. i hear it keeps you youthful :D
band? well we do have war drums beating,... we like to "boogie" to that
not matching tattoos, we receive scars here. although perhaps you'll be lucky enough to have some matching scars,...
theme music? we're back to the war drums again, please see above^^
any more questions? ;)


Well I hope its better than it predecessors in Pella. Uber and Zero just gave up when problems came up I here and drove me into just announcing I retired from BoM and grepolis. However Murtius on Omicron was stellar :)


Well I hope its better than it predecessors in Pella. Uber and Zero just gave up when problems came up I here and drove me into just announcing I retired from BoM and grepolis. However Murtius on Omicron was stellar :)

lol yeah, i hear this lot are nothing to do with any alliances that've had the same name.. the person who founded it just thought the name would be cool... from what mates have told me tho it's got some pretty cool ppl in


Actually we have no ties to any previous names, I think :p
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From what iv'e heard as well they are completely new.. i guess only time will tell about how good they are :D


lol :p k i admit it.. sick of hiding tbh, i'm one of the founders... and yeah we have some pretty good guys n girls here :D having great fun so far