Best Alliance Member Ever


Instead of venting about selfish foolish immature and treacherous teammates, why don't we post examples of the finest alliance members we have played with. Not the best players mind you. They are often the worst teammates. I am interested in team players. You know... players that put the team ahead of their own race to be number one, who sacrifice their time and gold to help their mates. Grepolis offers each of us the chance to be vain or noble. Lets talk about the best instead of the worst for a change.


Serpent6 without a doubt. Always there to support a conquest for the team, helping little players he knew could never really repay him, even when morale got down to 50%. Best wing-man I ever had. Volunteered to go heavy on biremes when we started a three-front war and was ever a gentleman. Even his enemies respected him and liked him. Did I mention that he ranked around #6 in points and #7 in abp on the server for months? Not in any way egotistical for all his accolades.

Cheers to a great teammate!

Link of time

Oh, well, I'll go with a top three list:
TOP THREE Best Alliance Members Of History

3. Ron the LionHeart- World Ephesus
Really an outstanding player, went down when our leader went inactive

2. Rezdale- World Ephesus
He was really the exact same as the guy above, same alliance and everything

1. trey1014- World Zakros
If for no other reason, being the guy I know that makes the most sense in tough decisions
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vengence1-Delta-Ionian Legions

llalicc- Sigma-Dushan the Mighty