Best/Worst Alliance Leaders


Ok, I saw this on other world threads, post the best alliance leader, and the worst alliance leader.

Best: ddodd01 (I miss you but..... you lead us really far)

Worst: Calatan (n00b)


Ok, I saw this on other world threads, post the best alliance leader, and the worst alliance leader.

Best: ddodd01 (I miss you but..... you lead us really far)

Worst: Calatan (n00b)

I think you might just have it in for calatan.

Calatan is a very capable and on the ball leader...gets amazing cooperation from alliance members.

Contrast this with the leader of my previous alliance who means well but falls badly short I'm afraid and the difference is like night and day.


I think you might just have it in for calatan.

Calatan is a very capable and on the ball leader...gets amazing cooperation from alliance members.

Contrast this with the leader of my previous alliance who means well but falls badly short I'm afraid and the difference is like night and day.

:| Please just stay on topic, I don't want to here about how "great" and "cooperative" calatan is.


We only using current leaders or past leaders to be included as well?

As far as staying on topic, if you call someone a noob, someone has the right to defend them, correct?


you must be one bored individual toast......
give it up with calatan and the hogs already.
they are a massive mra, we get it. the fact that they are your main and only focus just shows how little YOU actually know about this game.
you are on this huge crusade against them and you haven't even taken one of their cities.
c'mon man.

and just because you don't like someone doesn't make them a noob.
i'll bet calatan has gained an immense library of gameplay knowledge since the hog's inception. probly to the point that he has has vastly surpassed you in the grep knowledge department (i know it sounds impossible).
and that makes him/her a noob?

so, calatan has founded a top 10 alliance, learned the ins and outs of the game and helped hundreds if not thousands of new players.........what exactly have YOU done in the last 2 months toast??

rant over.


I believe he has flamed us Hogs to death does that count as something?

Fact is for a alliance as big as the Hogs I'm impressive with the ability she/he has done at keeping them together as in most other games I've played with clans or tribes and such a generally large tribe or clan or alliance falls quickly through inactivity and well disorganization and Calatan is keeping the Hogs going very well, what have you done Toast? Again all I've ever seen from you is flame flame flame, words mean nothing even in politics they do eventually back their words or fail, you, you haven't even shown yourself any smarter than me and I tend to be stupid on purpose in most games.


Having only played a few months now, I don't have the experience to make a call on many of the top alliances so I'll just go with the ones I have had experience with.

Its more fair to judge alliances based on their size. Clearly any noob can form a massive MRA so lets not ignore those who have chosen to remain smaller.


Hawkesy: EOW are aggressive and out to prove themselves. Their offense to defense ratio is as good as any of the alliances they are fighting. I think they got a little soft from beating up on noob alliances, but they will learn quickly and improve their tactics to give a challenge to more worthy foes.

Horod73: Might be the best diplomat on Alpha. ECLIPSE is a widely dispersed alliance all over the map & considered by many to be an MRA, yet has managed to remain largely at peace with neighbors. Please teach me your tricks!


Clamenza: The Gemini Order is scary. They have a wicked offense/defense ratio, got slave alliances all over the place, and scariest of all is no one really knows where they stand in the scheme of it all.

Sch0lar: While there is debate as to his skill as a player, his skill as an alliance administrator can not reasonably be questioned. I think Orthia is more active and ambitious than TW. Maybe one day they will decide to prove it.

SMALL ALLIANCES: (100 or less)

Phish - Island League has a 5:1 offense to defense ratio and has more than held its over against the Thunder Gods.

Op.Ivy - With only 16 members, TMOAE is the epitome of tight-knit alliances. Any who intrude on their domain, from TW to Orthia get their o-rings blown out.

WORST ALLIANCE LEADER: Any who would let Toast be a member ;)
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Toast you kidding right?

I joined Macedonian Empire. I acknowledge I am still a noob but...

After we joined (my alliance was merged in), I saw some posts by one of the members of Macedonian Empire saying that we should not have been allowed in because we are still noobs and they should just conquer each one of us, because they can... needless to say that while I am not big yet, I am bigger than this guy now!

I joined the Hogs because they are bigger in my ocean and I thought strategically would be better for me... it was a good move. Calatan is a good leader... very active, committed, offers good advice, and even though I did not take them, offered me some Biremes to get me started....

I have been pushing the growth and my position in the alliance has not changed much - means others are too... less and less noobs in the hogs now...

Calatan rules!!!!


no one is on YOUR topic toast.......which is trashing calatan and the hogs.
the rest of us are setting the record straight and discussing the ACTUAL topic of the thread (which was quite valid).


Toast they are right. And I doubt the mods will agree with you lol. Not everyone hates us like you do, beside once more you still haven't done a thing to back up your flames.


you cant expect people to rate alliance leaders, then have no discussion on it.


Oh my god... this was actually one thread not meant for a flame, mods! Come and delete please!


The Great Toast said:
Worst: Calatan (n00b).......

Oh my god... this was actually one thread not meant for a flame, mods! Come and delete please!

If this wasn't meant to be a flame you should have given some kind of valid reason why you believe calatan to be a weak leader not just call her a "n00b"


Toast, the thread was perfectly on topic until you posted that it was off topic.

You opened up a debate by calling a player a noob. If you're not prepared to handle the ensuing discussions, then don't start out by being antagonistic.

oh, and please stop telling "mods" to delete threads. Allow me to do my job. ;)


Toast, the thread was perfectly on topic until you posted that it was off topic.
oh, and please stop telling "mods" to delete threads. Allow me to do my job. ;)

Hee, hee, hee.

But really, the problem with rating the 'worst' is that we don't get to experience them all AND we may not want to hurt feelings.
I've "heard" that there are bad leaders, that have caused players to defect in droves so certainly they would be in the running but no first hand experience.

My first alliance leader was weak but trying hard, certainly not the worst ever.

I would like to know, toast, what other alliance leaders you think are weak!?


Toast, the thread was perfectly on topic until you posted that it was off topic.

You opened up a debate by calling a player a noob. If you're not prepared to handle the ensuing discussions, then don't start out by being antagonistic.

oh, and please stop telling "mods" to delete threads. Allow me to do my job. ;)

Wow, she sure told you. :p

And the scary thing is....

She's Right.

You're kinda making it off-topic by saying that it is off topic.


Wow... please delete this thread mods, no one is on topic.


Oh, and leading a huge alliance with an occasional mistake? How is that bad?
You may not like her, but you gotta admit...