Celtic Warriors Recruiting.


We are Celtic Warriors a strong tribe. we are here for one thing and one thing only we are here to claim as much citys as possible we are here to make our tribe the strongest. we leave no man behind we do not stand down from anyone.
We are growing stronger by the day. We expect all memebers to play there part nobody sits back and does notting.. if one memeber is attacked all allies are expect to lend support in what ever way possible.
we are recruiting till monday 25th of january.
send samaras a pm if you wish 2 join.
Remember Comrades we fight together we die together.

There's a blossom that blows that scoffs at the snows
And it faces root fast the rage of the blast
It sweetens the sod no slave ever trod
Since the mountains upreared their alters to God
The flower of the free the heather , the heather
The Britons the Scots the Irish together
The Manx and the Welsh and Cornish forever
Six nations are we all Celtic and free

Our blossom is red as the life's blood we shed
For liberty's cause against alian laws
With Lochiel and O'Neill and Llewellyn drew steel
For Alba's and Eirn's and Cambria's weal

Let the Saxon and Dane bear the rule o're the plain
On the hem of God's robe is our scepter and globe
For the Lord of all light revealed in the height
For heaven and earth rose up in the sight