Central Response


I love it that the harbs are doing the same thing.

Making pacts with their enemies and employing double standards.

You could not make this stuff up. Eotd shaft their allies Harbingers.. and Ares are shafting the OTC and the Huns (unless yer blind or daft or both). Both make an alliance and Eotd (no matter the name changes) are now 'part of the Ares family' (quote: Tyrell. T. eotd diplo now at Ares). They run around trying to get every alliance in Delta to fight the OTC. Not content with 300 plus versus 24 they aim for more.

Yet when others react what do we see here?

Yes. It is they who employ double standards. It is those who don't bow down to the mighty Ares empire that are hypocrites and have moral failings.

Nuts. Bluntly.


I am pretty sure the point at the end of the day is every, single alliance in delta is employing Double Standards in their diplomacy.

"We can do what we want, and you have to do what we say."

DoA has employed that with EotD. Harbs have employed that with EotD. OTC has employed that tactic with every, single alliance in Delta. EotD employed that tactic with SG-Elites.

It is just the fact of diplomacy. Everyone wants what is best for themselves. For anyone to say anything otherwise, is blatantly foolish.

Regardless of how stupid it was for EotD to end the pact with HB - Harbingers have made the point, they do not back out of pacts (even though they have several times in the past) and keep the pact with HB even while we fight them.

My stance with DoA is the same stance Harbingers makes with HB. Just because Harbs are at war with DoA - doesn't mean we are obligated to pull out of that pact.

Last time I checked, our friendship was based on fighting Huns - and nothing else. Let's team up and fight some Huns.

All of this legacy diplomacy is killing the server.


I am pretty sure the point at the end of the day is every, single alliance in delta is employing Double Standards in their diplomacy.

It is just the fact of diplomacy. Everyone wants what is best for themselves. For anyone to say anything otherwise, is blatantly foolish.

Your attempt to retreat from the facts is noted. Plus you might want to look back at your own words.

It is all just words with you Nick. Nothing is sacred. You are in Eotd. Eotd is part of the Ares family. Ares are here quite openly talking about grabbing the server. The rest is just words Nick and it is a bit too late to backtrack from that move.

The old 'anti Huns' flag is gone. That war is over. You wanted your new war and you know why you wanted that war. You didn't care in the slightest about any repercussions for your allies. You never even consulted them. Now your pretence is that you are an independent alliance yet this is clearly not so.

Ares were at war with the Harbs when you blithely did as you did. Thinking it would take out the OTC and the Honeys. Not a thought for Harbs in it all. Go play the Hun v anti Hun card elsewhere. As you say, the legacy diplomacy is over. Now it is war. The war you played for.


We have 2 already at the OTC. We can simply move a couple of people around for example. We could also just merge with another group in the centre and we have the 4 easily. You are way too cocky Imperica, like the rest of the Neo-Ares leadership rabble. But be assured, we all are watching and this comment may seal a few deals so to speak.

For that I thank you.

As an aside, is this to be the neo-Ares approach to war? Ignore the enemy you have spent months saying would be wiped off the map? Ignore the fact I sit in an Ares city as I write this? Ignore the fact you have shafted every ally?

You hide behind your Noob 2 dream. I'm irritated and when I get irritated I get committed. When I get committed I tend to win at anything I do.

You can call me a noob if you want but I have been around since the beginning and am ranked 15. I make no claims about how good or bad I am, but your free use of the slang word noob suggests a lack of understanding of the English language.

The consistent high volume of verbal diahorea that comes from you also shows that you are not a warrior at heart but a rather feeble politician. Warriors let their fighting do their talking for them, whereas you just squeal on this forum.

Also I hate to destroy your world wonder plan but merging to combine 2 alliances wonders won't work and to use your words, is such a "noob" comment from you that it suggests you will never overcome your noobishness.

It is impossible for 2 alliances to merge. What happens is all the players leave one alliance and join the other alliance. This would lead to the world wonders being destroyed. I don't care but it is amazing to think that such a noober as yourself has survived so long with such an inadequate and noobile understanding of Delta. But that is noobity for you.


You can call me a noob if you want but I have been around since the beginning and am ranked 15. I make no claims about how good or bad I am, but your free use of the slang word noob suggests a lack of understanding of the English language.

The consistent high volume of verbal diahorea that comes from you also shows that you are not a warrior at heart but a rather feeble politician. Warriors let their fighting do their talking for them, whereas you just squeal on this forum.

Also I hate to destroy your world wonder plan but merging to combine 2 alliances wonders won't work and to use your words, is such a "noob" comment from you that it suggests you will never overcome your noobishness.

It is impossible for 2 alliances to merge. What happens is all the players leave one alliance and join the other alliance. This would lead to the world wonders being destroyed. I don't care but it is amazing to think that such a noober as yourself has survived so long with such an inadequate and noobile understanding of Delta. But that is noobity for you.

You are defo a noob or as good as one. Rankings mean nothing. I see players on the front page or high up the rankings that can't attack for love nor money. The last I knew... you thought you could have a go at a tribe of fighters and you got your backside kicked.

We can merge before it kicks in. Get it?

Your fixation on the technics of noob nirvana indicates your noobist ways but even here your ubernoobist mentality betrays itself. In terms of squealing it is you who are reduced to that. What a leadership! Ignore the enemy to win a war. Forget the war to build pretty little buildings. Lets win the server. We great warriors. Shut up sheep. Only we can try to have 500 players fight 24.

Anyway...thanks for showing to all and sundry that you guys are a clear threat to the centre if we don't just turn around and smack you all over the east.

Time to war gents.

Jaw jaw is over.


I love it that doa is doing the same thing. Making pacts with their enemies, begging for pacts from other alliances just to get more man power to fight OTC. I love the double standards. Its good for them but not good for OTC..HMMM

And I like the sheep comment, If you are not pacted with DOA then the rest of delta are sheep. Thats what you think of delta? Oh how the mighty lead and think. People forget history. How many mighty empires have fallen to the so called sheep?

Diego...I mean greco...sometimes I get confused with all the people and alll the accounts...anywhoooo. Dont finish my statements I did not infer anyone not allied with DOA is a sheep. Thats all you, and if you are unsure what I mean Just ask...I will spell it out for you if need be.


We can merge before it kicks in. Get it?

In that case I look forward to OTC merging themselves out of existence in the next 10 days. Of course they will appear again 2 weeks later when they can't cope in their new alliance.

Of course I doubt you will merge as you talk from the opposite end of your body to everyone else. You are talking pap as usual. OTC will still be there at the beginning of 2012. As irrelevant as ever with one loud mouth shouting and complaining about everyone else rather than just playing the game and enjoying it like everyone else.


In that case I look forward to OTC merging themselves out of existence in the next 10 days. Of course they will appear again 2 weeks later when they can't cope in their new alliance.

Of course I doubt you will merge as you talk from the opposite end of your body to everyone else. You are talking pap as usual. OTC will still be there at the beginning of 2012. As irrelevant as ever with one loud mouth shouting and complaining about everyone else rather than just playing the game and enjoying it like everyone else.

Your 'play the man' stuff is water off a duck's back. Everyone in the know can see what is what and who is who. Sure some little egos get brushed up the wrong way from time to time by myself. However everyone who knows me, as in knows me, knows the reality of me and how I work. You just indulge yourselves in play the man and mentalist hypocrisies. Squealing away when it comes back your way.

Lets look at it as how everyone else sees it.

1. Your recruitment angles never worked.
2. Your fighting angles are failing abysmally.
3. Now the 'ignore the war' angle seems to have reached dizzying new heights...

The OTC is so irrelevant you all felt moved to sit here and delude yourselves, like many others, that all it would take is a push and it would all be a waltz. We are so irrelevant your rabble 'leadership' spent months aiming at us in all manner of ways and even tried to form a coalition of alliances to fight us.

I am such a loudmouth I just took an Ares city and believe me that is the first of many. Now you want to talk about enjoyment? Sure. I'm loving every minute of this.

You run to your wonder islands.
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How is your war with the OTC going Imperica?

Just curious.


I would say reasonably well given that wars are not won through conquests. In the past month -
OTC has shrunk by 42 towns, -5.7% (766/44*100)
EotD has grown by 153 towns, +7.1% (2168/153*100)

Caveat - These are raw figures and do not account for players arriving and leaving. The change therefore is, in my opinion, indicative of overall alliance health as opposed to conquests.

For those who get excited by such things I simply cannot be bothered to do this for every alliance although I note that the greatest gains as a percentage is Honey Badgers and numerically I think it was Harbingers.


I would say reasonably well given that wars are not won through conquests. In the past month -
OTC has shrunk by 42 towns, -5.7% (766/44*100)
EotD has grown by 153 towns, +7.1% (2168/153*100)

Freudian Slip?


Nope, I simply took the opportunity to compare OTC with EotD as impartially as possible. I clearly stated that I simply couldn't be bothered to do that for other alliances.

I fully expected someone to twist this hence my attempt at a caveat.