Changes to Grepolis game play.. money making schemes?


This may well be true but it's not at all uncommon. Cellular phone providers and cable/satellite tv companies do this all the time, offering introductory offers to entice new customers.


LOL then they jack you up after the offer runs out.. so you have to call them and tell them you are switching cable companies.. as the other guy has a better offer. They then make you a counter offer again to try and keep you.. but if you don't stay on top of this.. you get hammered. Happens all the time. Now where I live the Electric Utility companies have gone independent so you can now shop a better rate. Most companies sign you up for a two year contract at a great rate, but if you aren't on your toes the 25th month the rates go through the roof!!! (just happened to me). Found out I was paying 1/3 more for my electric rate. When you have a Teenaged Daughter that can be significant! hahaha
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it has been on going for well over a year and i submitted feedback at the time.I think what annoys people is that its the same as changing the rules half way thru a game Baudin,people have rsearches sorted but now need to use gold or culture points achieved thru battle to address this rebalnce-surley something that should of been foreseen by the illuminati.
Moreover other suggestions that were due to happen like the war council building are discussed and the threads are left empty for 18 months.
The point being made in this thread is,if you are indeed going to add quests-make sure they work properly..if you are going to change the rules half way thru the game,offer players a chance to address their researches without it costing them,and if you are overnight going to take away 25%of EURO players gold without so much as discussion expect players to leave and not return.


The rebalance update has been in the works for well over a year and we've asked the community for opinions on it for months and months and months. It has been live on the Beta for quite some time and the proposed changes have been known for far longer. We asked for feedback over a year and a half ago. So this update shouldn't be a surprise to anyone except fairly new players.

It's not the fact that there has been a balance update, that happens in any game to keep things, well, balanced. I still think that it should not have been brought into current worlds though since it means many things that people have spent time and money on are now made easier or less effective making them feel like it just wasn't worth it.

Also, not everyone visits the external forums so maybe a message in game to let people know these important discussions are going on would be a good idea. This would mean everyone could have their say in something that affects us all.

Hassan al-Sabbah: I'm not complaining about Innogames' business plan. They made this game to make money and they need to find the most effective way of doing so or Grepolis will no longer exist. I was only stating that that is how it is. There is a limited amount of time between updates in which to fix many issues and they have to make sure profits are maintained before anything else. I do think they make some strange decisions, particularly with the app, but that is a discussion for another thread entirely.


Also, not everyone visits the external forums so maybe a message in game to let people know these important discussions are going on would be a good idea.

Very good, 'cause plenty don't.

I know I've been out for a few months, but I don't think that was ever sent in-game.

I've been a moderator on a big Dutch soccer team's official forum, and I would simply like to suggest listening to this type of feedback. Sending it both on the externals and in-game seems like a good idea.


This is much like The Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe. They are going to bulldoze our protagonists home to make room for a new highway, and he is like "wait, nobody informed me of these plans" to which they responded that the plans were available in theri offices for months, which of course he never visited because, you know, why would he? Grepo players are like that. Even those who are aware of the forums generally have no reason to visit them, and particpation in the forums is quite low compared to the amount of ACTIVE Grep players. Saying the info was in the forums is basically the same as saying that you Grepo mods/employees never planned to really have a discussion on the topic and always planned to move forward with this regardless of what the community might think. I guess you are staking your future on wallet warriors. Candy Crush rather than Age of Empires or Civ 5.


I'm glad to see some great input here.. King Beef.. many good points! Well said.. and Taco Dave nice analogy..

Changing the game play after I've invested in many things is what it's all about! ie.. changing the rules of the poker game after I ante'd up!


I have to agree, I too enjoyed Tacos analogy. It's not often these forums give me a smile.

Excluding any gold price changes, I'm happy with the changes Innogames has made to Grepolis, at least the ones that I've noticed.


next world Taras(en82) will have this instant buy gold trading implemented