Commander of Rome


World: Zancle
In Game Name: bibo5o
Have check the known bugs list: Y
Have you cleared your cache and cookies: Y
Have you tried a different computer/laptop/tablet/phone: Y
Have you tried a different connection: N
Full Version or Mobile Version: 2.89.10 (I think)
Browser and Version: Firefox 38.0.5
Overview of the bug: If you try and open an attack menu on the Commander of Rome, nothing happens. The tutorial rushes through each step without pause. (It works on Chrome and IE.)

EDIT: After using IE it started working on FF, but I've heard that others in my alliance are experiencing the same issue.


Attack menu? Are you talking about the planner or the battlegrounds?


One thing, don't use IE for Grepolis. It is an unsupported browser. Try using Google Chrome as it seems to work the best. If it doesn't work for you and the people in your alliance, post back.