Competition Theme Suggestions


Hey, all!

Please forgive the Comic Sans, I'm in a slightly quirky yet entirely unoriginal mood. I've emboldened it to give it some hazy semblance of sincerity...

Anyway, irrelevant tangents aside, the time of the super, duper Literature creative writing competition is a scant week away. This month we will be setting a theme for entrants to keep to, in favour of the alternating freestyle-thematic trend we have followed thus far. :p

Wow, Pushty, that sure is swell! What does your holiness require from us beautiful folk?

Well, esteemed forum user, I would like suggestions to be used in the next selection poll. Again, power to you. (Just don't tell Vodafone I said that, they might take legal action).

In addition, I would like to hear your views on the following:
- Pre-determined formats. (Narratives, poetry, articles, etc.)
- Word limitations. (Minimum and maximum)


i think poetry would be cool, (even though you don't like it.) i might actually write something good if you did that.
also maybe a 300 word max and a 15 word minimum.


Interesting, poetry does seem to be rather popular. Would you like to suggest any specific theme to it?


a deep meaning that is semi-hidden, or not hidden at all.
maybe time? or something serious.
or satire and comedy, i'm up for any.


My idea:

Topic: I don't know.
Style: Don't limit what style
Word Count: I would alternate between word count and not. The last one themed did, so lets not have one this go.


I'm happy to alternate between word counts, if you guys are.

Edit: Joris, I think death is a little bleak. :p


i have a poem i wrote on time, problly the only good one i ever actually wrote, i'd like to do time.

Gah, I suck at writing on time...

But I'll give it a go if thats what we choose :)


It will still be put to the polls, the purpose of this is to collect poll options... so keep them coming! :)