Corinth Column -~- Newspaper II -~-




Welcome to the Second Edition of the Corinth Column, the writers are Sajjikill and RagingPallas. And you guys are lucky, Owens Newspaper is also coming out today (Bad Luck For Owen, I kid of course, I love your newspaper Owen.) Have a fantastic read.

How Do you feel with your alliances progress?

I'm very pleased with my alliance's progress. We have a stable amount of members, around 30, and a good bit of team spirit here. We've got a decent amount of BP and we've been conquering. We're looking for a bit more of a challenge, so a war is predictable.

We may be a small alliance, but we don't mass recruit and we have a good base. We'll look to secure our area of O55 and I look forward to the future.

How do you feel about Tarturus Rising ruling your ocean? Does this to you and your alliance appear to be a threat?

TR have their own things to deal with at the minute. We are not feeling threatened by them.

How do you feel about PB being #1 by over 600,000 Points?

They're clearly an excellent alliance, given their ABP and conquests, but it really doesn't bother me.

What alliance or Person do you feel most threatened by?

I wouldn't be willing to give that away right now.


And Now For RagingPallas who is going to tell us about LFN, is it the end?

Morale Low in Last Fallen Nation! Is This Finally The End, or Will They Rise Again?

LFN took an Icarus flight path from success to near destruction before a Colony Ship even landed. Early game they showed all the promise of good Leadership, a core of experienced players and a rapid expansion plan that saw them occupy the Number 1 spot of Corinth for three days ahead of Permanent Ban, a feat which to this day has not been replicated.

Then tragedy struck almost overnight – the alliance quickly swelled to nearly three hundred members before a surprise disband. The alliance was split into factions, and desperate attempts made to reunite the briefly mighty soldiers. Snoopwins, the former Ocean Recruiter of LFN for O56, rallied his old recruits to form Snoops Troops in the South, while tilmanator1 strove to reform Last Fallen Nation in the North. Now, LFN suffer more conquests to Permanent Ban than to any other alliance, some at the hands of their old Leaders. It was indeed a grim start for the group, but how have they fared since?

tilmanator1 firstly explains to me how successful the new LFN initially were, “Permanent Ban is a rival. They have attacked us since the beginning [but] with the use of teamwork we stopped all the conquering of our cities in Ocean 44.” Despite the constant attacks from other alliances, tilman considers the greatest future threats to come from the morale of his own players, “some members have become too busy to play the game, some quit, simmers wants to get in, and some just don’t speak at all.” And unfortunately it doesn’t get any easier for him; “I have recently found that a good amount of players quit the game without telling any of the founders. The active people have left. The remaining active players want me to stay but I am unsure.” Particularly devastating was the loss of the players Dan Brown to Corinth giant Protogenoi and Chelsea Legend for using mods.

While tilman tells me he understands Dan Brown’s decision to leave, he does rank it as one of his biggest shocks, alongside LFN’s original disband.

So what now for the alliance many have satirically dubbed the First Fallen Nation? “3 months from now, a lot can happen. Whether these members want to step it up and be one of the great alliances or just quit this world…” before he trails off, a clear message that as LFN now stands, it is unlikely to continue for much longer. tilman adds that he stays in contact with the previous Leaders of LFN and once again mentions how he does not blame them for changing their mind about running the alliance, which could possibly be because he is going the same way.

After our interview tilman messaged me to say he had been kicked by the alliance Co-Founder, Syseelia, for reasons currently unknown. Perhaps this new Leader can instigate the changes tilman urged were so badly required, but this job must grow more difficult by the day.
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again, a great column. a very good read regarding LFN


Two very different sides to the story here! I imagine LFN's current Leadership may disagree with tilman's verdict.


ooooh! Great paper. Just be sure to identify who you are interviewing :)


sajj and owen ever considered working together for the newspapers? :)!


It has been suggested, but Owen would have to work with me, AND ragingpallas. And, Owen likes working alone, so truly it's up to him.


what aboutr me? I just finished the NewsPaper symbol thingy!


sajj and owen ever considered working together for the newspapers? :)!

thats what i said, would be awesome newspaper, maybe enough for us to enjoy all week instead of made to wait lol


Sorry, but i'm one of those people that gets baffled easily and I find it a lot easier to just go it alone.

however, if you like, at one point in my paper I could have a bit with all of your reporting, like you did in this about LFN :)


As Sajj said, let's not forget who's writing the News updates here :), it'll be Sajjikill, Owen and myself if any one!


I was thinking of a Christmas special, a longer issue than normal and Me, Owen, Ragingpallas will each have one section to write. Then we both check each others and make some edits to make it better. That's my 2 Cents.


I like separate newspapers.

I prefer Owen's style, it's more fluid - but you guys have done a good job.


I think you all are doing great job guys and believe me it is really nice to read while i am inbetween sending attacks or farming, players like yourselfs are bringin the life back to grepo community in the forums... its good to see


If anything I would like for each paper to come out half way in between so I don't have to wait so long for a paper. Also with the two papers work by them self we can get two different views.


We could make this world realistic and have left-wing and right wing paper ;)

Anyone want to join the EU? ;)