Corinth Column


Welcome to the first edition of the Corinth Column. The writers are Sajjikill and RagingPallas.

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"A Slip Of The Tongue"

After a brief interview with Donthate, leader of Tartarus Rising, I seemed to find no information just some hints;

How do you feel about Protogenoi?
I am not willing to hand that information to a PB member.

How do you feel about PB?
Again, I won't give that information to a PB member.

Beware PB members a pact may be in the existence...

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Today's Interviewer is, Cyrus Yavari, Found of Shadow Organization

How do you feel about being #2 next to PB?

Well... I think that rank is deceptive for many reasons. I think Permanent Ban has more to worry about with Protogenoi and or Tartarus Rising. If they focused on us they would weaken them self's for those real threats. I say this because if you look at the point average you can see most of my members are newer and of lower points. This was our path to growth. By being overwhelmed by the presence of large growing alliances I have opened my alliance to active players in all regions so that we can establish zones of domince to expand from. I'm in it for the long haul and hope to see this alliance grow and prosper but our current position is far from second. I strive for continued improvement and will allow up to the limit in members if it can be obtained to compensate for the overwhelming presence of other alliances in the central regions. We have been pushed to the shadows of the server again but that's where we thrive. Our alliance will be the turning point for one of these other big alliances this is due to our overwhelming numbers and the availability of our targets. We can strike at any point in the server. Our friends will prosper and our enemy's will be bogged down. For the most part we are just getting started. Hope that fully answers your question. What if I merged right into PB? What would the world do. I'm a true wild card in this server. What if I merged into Protogenoi. Have you ever seen the dynamics of the game shift so vastly? Glad to answer any other questions you may have.

How do you feel about being classified as an MRA?

That is not entirely the case. I have founded this alliance in many servers and I have a group of members that come with me from server to server but we do allow new members. I try not to get all tied up in, BP, MRA, NAP. Or any of the other jargon. I try to remain as unorthodox as I can and do what I want. Not what everyone says is best to do. If I wanted a bunch of rules to follow I could just commit a crime and go to prison. The thing about being called a MRA or a noob is that in the end it doesn't really matter what people think or say its a matter of what happens and who has the consistency, dedication, determination,and sheer will power to advance. MRA is cool. We have been here from day one and we are still here. Still growing. Where have all the rest gone? Did they get slowed down from fear of being labeled an MRA? They can remain confined in their little box and I am free to do as I wish
Maybe I will name my next alliance MRA just to avoid any confusion. LOL

And Now the spotlight Goes to RagingPallas for the updates.

While some of Corinth’s Top 12 Alliances maintain a healthy balance between points, ABP and DBP, there’s no doubt that others have had to fight hard, and often loose hard, to keep their place in the Rankings. Two such alliances that are no doubt infamous in everyone’s minds are Massive Rhinoceros Army and Last Fallen Nation. Both fell into a bad situation when their original alliance Founders quit, but instead of letting their members quickly slip into obscurity some went to great efforts to rally those leftover and push them forward. I spoke with Amandan of Massive Rhinoceros Army and tilmanator of Last Fallen Nation to find out why they would take on such a massive task.

The first thing to note about Amandan is that he is a reluctant leader, who admits “I didn’t want to even play in this world...Look at my introduction in the forum. I rimmed myself twice in Epsilon trying to kick this habit [Grepolis].”

So why, I ask, is he still here?

“I have never left an alliance…and I hate seeing people get screwed. So I am not here for the game, I am here for my comrades ” He mentions that he had to track jarpenguin down for a week on a different server then convince him to return to Corinth long enough to hand over founder rights. This may sound like a lot of effort, but for someone with his track record finding a rapscallion penguin proved little bother. “We had a similar occurrence in Epsilon,” he adds. “There we actually had to apply to Innogames to get access.”

So where does he see MRA in a few months’ time? Amandan wouldn’t say, but I noticed while looking for an interview that MRA has an unusually high number of Leaders and Founders. This could be logical for an alliance which has had its Founder unexpectedly quit in the past, “if both founders decide to quit at the same time, everyone is screwed”, but it does show a massive underlying insecurity in the MRA leadership. Amandan mentions no-one in the alliance ever knew jarpenguin, and it’s clear MRA have never experienced clear direction from, or confidence in, their leadership. Indeed with one exception the other Founders never even sent a “No Comment” reply to my request for interview, and one didn’t open the message at all! One took the time to tell me that he couldn’t talk, as he had 4 Permanent Ban attacks incoming. Fair enough.

Amandan appears to stay on out of philanthropy, but MRA will need more than kindness to succeed against so many other powerful alliances.
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I should add - I'll release info on my interview with tilmanator later in the week, as Amandan gave me more than enough information for an editorial


Please Say If you want another article because I was wondering if it was worth it.


I don't really think it needs another one. It's a good length as it is.


Indeed, just keep it as material for the next one :), I've already had someone ask me for the LFN interview.


Does anyone want a Second Newspaper of This? Corinth Column Article 2? Just don't want to waste my time or RagingPallas's


Nice effort guys real good read maybe get Owen and you guys to do one together, shame they ain't more regular though they really good reads. REAL Nice effort and yeah definitely more please


Thanks, Maybe some day Me, ragingPallas, and Owen might make an extended really long newspaper at the day Corinth turns to a year old. But I know Owen likes flying alone :d.


Isnt this Punny?

Thanks, Maybe some day Me, ragingPallas, and Owen might make an extended really long newspaper at the day Corinth turns to a year old. But I know Owen likes flying alone :d.

Hope he doesnt fly to close to the sun lol


I actually liked it! it was a good length and very informative.

u should do a 2nd one.


Someone did not like what you wrote about them! :D
Nice article!


No comment.

FYI, I didn't derep you. I will do so now, however, and sign, on the basis that it contains assumptions about my alliance and is openly bias.

It is still intriguing to read, however. Keep writing.


No comment.

FYI, I didn't derep you. I will do so now, however, and sign, on the basis that it contains assumptions about my alliance and is openly bias.

It is still intriguing to read, however. Keep writing.

No need to -rep for that. Some newspapers are biased, it's a style.