DeB Leaderless?


Can someone from DeB tell me who is running the show? For the past 2 weeks I've been puzzled by how many switches are being made in DeB. Seems everyday of the week there is new leader. Perhaps several people switching shifts? Let me know, Thanks



Basically the original leaders/founders happened to be away, so a interim council was formed to hold the fort for the time being. Then the original founders returned and there was bust up.

Current Founders are- Leneous & Gokillanoob- other roles and such are still being put in place

The Interim Leaders were- Roystopolis & NVRGVUP & Zimerlilli- they have formed "wolfpack"


Leneous has quit. He was on last night for the last time and we just had some conversation to catch up before he quit completely, according to him. So I guess that leaves our good old gokilla as the current leader. Since we have a trust issue with Gokilla, as you can imagine, there will be no negotiation to continue the ceasefire. Let's start the round 2 by the start of next week. Btw, gokilla did wish for ceasefire but we never responded back to him. So we are announcing here our intention based off of your choice of leader gokilla. I would like to squash the rumors in your forums about extending this ceasefire.


Sanchirx. IGB


For me it started with the whole Aab war. We brought them down and the move by DeB leaders and the way it was handled showed true color of gokilla. but all of us kept watchful eye on deb leaders from the start. Not to mention the recent dealings with him. Does that answer your question?


Well in the latest episode gokilla was planning to quit before he was convinced by me and few others that we could turn it around otherwise he would have lived up to his word. AAB war anybody would have done the same DEB were hitting a wall of GS defense and getting nowhere very quickly because AAB had not held thier agreement and stopped attacking GS, when an alliance breaks a pact agreement then it is not "untrustworthy" to turn on them.


Thanks for taking your time to explain. Point taken. Thanks for disclosing this information unlike Mat :p Jk-ing