Definition of a coward:-


Here is a selection of IGM's between myself and ajsprj, with him referring to us as being cowards:-

ajsprj on 5/12/11 at 9:14 PM
if you want a real challenge join us its easy to buddy up to a big alliance because its safe take a risk for once join our fight or are you lot really the cowards i think u r lol
So I took one of his cities, all by myself with no support from either my alliance or RDLM, I mean why should I? Look at all the support coming in from LoW(The first 2 are mine, the rest LoW support):-


ajsprj on 5/13/11 at 6:30 AM
i take it you going to carry on being the coward lol

So I did some digging into Grepostats and found this and replied as such:

BasilBarfly today at 3:20 AM
Thanks for the invitation. As for being a coward, I would like to wonder how you arrive at me being a coward? Here are some facts:-

Created: MiT: 7-December-2010 LoW: 3-September-2010
Points: MiT: 4,920,659. LoW: 10,139,043
Rankings: MiT: 19. LoW: 12.
Members: MiT: 18. LoW: 70.
Cities: MiT: 435. Low: 1065
Colonisations: MiT: 262 LoW: 1248
Conquests: MiT over LoW: 29 cities LoW over MiT: 17 (8 of Cyclopz who was giving away his cities!)
So essentially, your alliance has been around longer, nearly twice our size in points, nearly 3 times our size in cities, outnumbers us in players by 4 to 1. So please, dont give me the coward crap. If we need the occasional help, of course I will run to a friendly alliance. As you can see by our PnP on the forum your players and your alliance just keep blundering through attack after attack. Thats not my fault. So if I am a coward by your standing, then what are you guys?


Now how LoW can an alliance go by calling us cowards? Because we have an alliance with RDLM and if we are being attacked and we call for help(if needed) that is being a coward?

I guess there are a lot of cowards in Gamma then for fighting a bigger alliance.......




Yes I am a coward for attacking a bigger Alliance than ourselves. For conquering cities off LOW and for asking for help when I am in dire straights. Perhaps LOW need to pick on someone more their size and maybe then they would get the fight they want. Because M.I.T are this not real Men after all we wear tights. :p


should call you "Half the facts basil."
you u love putting up half conversations and that most of the support going into that city which was deep in rdlm /mit territory was from my cities sent before you had in fact taken it
i have never said u were a bad player in fact i said the opposite and that conversation you put up here was very incomplete. it was in response to you asking me to leave my alliance to join u
as you said join the winning side.
which i couldnt do i rather lose all my cities being loyal to my friends then ditch them as some LOW members have done


Here is a selection of IGM's between myself and ajsprj, with him referring to us as being cowards:-

As I said, it was a selection of IGM's. This allows you to reply with your side of the events.



the thing is basil its not just in this one you miss out half the facts its in a few posts on of what u say about LOW but thats up to you if it makes your ego better lol


Well can you please post all the conversation, as it is clear ajsprj doesn't want too...


Full transcript

Well, if everyone finds our conversation so interesting, here is the full transcript:-

ajsprj on 5/14/11 at 10:47 AM
as for the support it was all sent before you took the city

ajsprj on 5/14/11 at 10:43 AM
yea well at least i go down with honour after all its just a game lol and as fotr thiose who deserted us yesterday he was on his way out as he wasnt exactly a helpful member and as for changes yea there things about this game i dont like anyway that u can lose a city at night without being able to defend it as for my spelling i type one handed and tend to make mistakes

BasilBarfly on 5/14/11 at 9:33 AM
Well, I cannot change the way you think. You think I got to 80+ cities by always attacking smaller players? I paid my dues through fighting a lot of players, regardless of their size. I did it with alliance help. Yes, we all make mistakes which is how we learn. With the merger of RDLM and CJ, things are going to change in the game. I read your profile(you spelt league incorrectly) and see you are loyal to your alliance. That can be a problem for you because if the alliance fall, then where do you go? Other members of your alliance have already joined us. How many more will leave over the next few days? Anyway always fun fighting LoW. Thanks for sending all your support yesterday when I took your city.


ajsprj on 5/14/11 at 9:02 AM
i still think ur a coward its so easy to pick on the smaller guy lol with 70 plus cities u and maori are twice the size of our biggest guys and u know it i respect ur laying skills because thers no denigning that and as for ups u need to ask ur own guys about them too even benny makes cockups i seen him attack support from his own guys we just dont see the need to brag about it
BasilBarfly on 5/14/11 at 3:20 AM
Thanks for the invitation. As for being a coward, I would like to wonder how you arrive at me being a coward? Here are some facts:-

Created: MiT: 7-December-2010 LoW: 3-September-2010
Points: MiT: 4,920,659. LoW: 10,139,043
Rankings: MiT: 19. LoW: 12.
Members: MiT: 18. LoW: 70.
Cities: MiT: 435. Low: 1065
Colonisations: MiT: 262 LoW: 1248
Conquests: MiT over LoW: 29 cities LoW over MiT: 17 (8 of Cyclopz who was giving away his cities!)
So essentially, your alliance has been around longer, nearly twice our size in points, nearly 3 times our size in cities, outnumbers us in players by 4 to 1. So please, dont give me the coward crap. If we need the occasional help, of course I will run to a friendly alliance. As you can see by our PnP on the forum your players and your alliance just keep blundering through attack after attack. Thats not my fault. So if I am a coward by your standing, then what are you guys?


ajsprj on 5/13/11 at 6:30 AM
i take it you going to carry on being the coward lol
ajsprj on 5/12/11 at 9:14 PM
if you want a real challenge join us its easy to buddy up to a big alliance because its safe take a risk for once join our fight or are you lot really the cowards i think u r lol

ajsprj on 5/12/11 at 6:18 PM
basil ur find im loyal to my alliance i play this game as i am in life theres only one good player in ur alliance why noit join us and what makes u thing things are going to change just because benny joined in lol they been trying to destry me for ages

BasilBarfly on 5/12/11 at 5:52 PM
Common Aj, come join the dark side and fight against your former foes. Things are going to be changing around here soon and you want to be on the winning side.


Make your own minds up. Am I really only telling half the story? :eek:

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Nice Definition Of Coward Basil :) ...

BasilBarfly pwned ajsprj



Well, I guess his definition of a coward doesnt include quitting the game....