

Hello, we are Diamond. We are newly forming alliance that believes in 'Assisting eachother to dominate the islands we inhabit' Anyone can join, but further privilidges are given to those with a higher number of points. Current ranks;

0-200 Member-In-Training
200-250 Low Member
250-350 Normal Member
350-1000 Lieutenant
1000-10000 General

Ranks will be updated ASAP
Note on abilities; You get all abilities of the ranks up to yours(EXAMPLE: I have 390 Pts so I get the abilities of Member-In-Training, Low Member, Normal Member and Lieutenant)
Abilities as follows:

Member-In-Training Invitaions

Low Member Invitations

Normal Member Invitations, Internal Forums

Lieutenant Invitations, Internal forums, Diplomacy, Mass Mail, Leader for Island if you are the highest on it

General Invitations, Internal forums, Diplomacy, Mass Mail, Leader for Island if you are the highest on it, Moderator of forums, Co-founder

10000+ All

To join contact myself of one of our members. Remember, anyone is accepted!


Unfortunately, I don't think the forums will attract many new members :/