Difference between Spam and farming

pyro freak

"If you believe the player attacking you is doing so in a manner which breaches our Code of Conduct please report this. If this is the case then the support team will deal with this. However, please note, that if you do not see immediate action this could be that the player is not in breach of our code of Conduct or that the investigation is taking time."

IN OTHER WORDS, If they like you enough, they will let you get away with it, and if they don't, they will ban you because favoritism. seems legit.




There's your clue losers. Flipping ghost and sthu. Spam is NOT against COC (never has been, never will be). And as BT pointed out, IS a strategy to the game. Fully sanctioned. 100%. End of story.

On the flip to this however, sealturyk - I do feel sorry for you on this case though. I'm all for spamming but there IS a point of uncalled for. But, we also know Charlie, is one of few players who doesn't give a crap about fair and honest gameplay. Known ch*ater, b*t user, etc. Idk what you did to get him (and others) to spam you like this but the only way out of it is to VM for a week minimally and let Charlie find a new poor soul to spam. Then just come back and kick butt again.


"If you believe the player attacking you is doing so in a manner which breaches our Code of Conduct please report this. If this is the case then the support team will deal with this. However, please note, that if you do not see immediate action this could be that the player is not in breach of our code of Conduct or that the investigation is taking time."

IN OTHER WORDS, If they like you enough, they will let you get away with it, and if they don't, they will ban you because favoritism. seems legit.

I'm taking that as the reports had their effects.

Yes lets talk all about Hydna and Baudin's non-existent special relationship with Watchers, a group that they don't play with and who's claim to fame is putting up some of the worst war records in Grep history, literally the last group that anybody needs to spam...Except you guys apparently.

Maybe it has nothing to do with them liking Watchers or disliking Just For Laughs as a team and has everything to do with the fact that if you need to spam a group that's mostly off alarm and couldn't figure out how to actually post proof until today despite having claimed that they're being spammed for a week or two now, then you'll probably spam anybody for any reason and generally just ruin the game for people.

Maybe it also has everything to do with the fact that they introduced the rule for the EN community and you guys chose to not only ignore the rule but push it to where some of you blatantly waved ignoring it around like a victory flag while simultaneously causing a mass outrage by doing it to other teams.


Thank you grepo, every time i come to play this... i've been here for 10 years. you have the same problem.

I consider myself a customer and a player.
And your customer and player base is not happy. I couldn't care less. the only sad part will be when i go play another game lol. I think i'll be more sorry for you guys then myself.

Its not that hard lol.

Just put a rule not to spam. And put guidelines. Don't be shady and give us shady excuses and tell us we will investigate.
We put our money, effort and mostly time to play your game. We diserve to know exactly what the rules are. so we know exactly when to report.

And please i beg you. if you don't want to do something about it. please tell me right now so i ghost now and be done with it. Don't waste my time till i get closer to those dirty players. If you don't want to listen to us, i'd rather leave now then continue playing and spending for 2-3 month till i ghost because of them :).

It'll be nice to get an answer. Just be honest and say we don't want to change. those are our rules and they are not changing.

Thank you :).


Thank you grepo, every time i come to play this... i've been here for 10 years. you have the same problem.

I consider myself a customer and a player.
And your customer and player base is not happy. I couldn't care less. the only sad part will be when i go play another game lol. I think i'll be more sorry for you guys then myself.

Its not that hard lol.

Just put a rule not to spam. And put guidelines. Don't be shady and give us shady excuses and tell us we will investigate.
We put our money, effort and mostly time to play your game. We diserve to know exactly what the rules are. so we know exactly when to report.

And please i beg you. if you don't want to do something about it. please tell me right now so i ghost now and be done with it. Don't waste my time till i get closer to those dirty players. If you don't want to listen to us, i'd rather leave now then continue playing and spending for 2-3 month till i ghost because of them :).

It'll be nice to get an answer. Just be honest and say we don't want to change. those are our rules and they are not changing.

Thank you :).

Go ahead and ghost. Same to everyone else crying the excuse of how you can't handle a WAR game. Ghost out and don't come back. The Mods and Devs and everyone at inno - including the majority of the player base that ACTUALLY plays the game - would rather you ghost out and not give everyone more work to do so they can handle actual complaints and issues vs a "I refuse to play the game how intended therefore it should be adjusted to how I want" cry out.



Ahh charlie instructs one of his spineless little group of keyboard warriors to post something that suits his teams agenda.

You are an embarassment Pyro

.you post a half truth to try and cover up what you are doing, another coward.


More to the point from the code of contact:

It is forbidden:

  • to violate or harm other players physically or mentally.
Inno are seemingly in the top most post saying that it is ok for you to engage on "psychological warfare" on ALL players which would include children given that the game can be played by 12 year olds but then go on to state that players must not be harmed MENTALLY.

Inno are on very dodgy ground here as the whole concept of psychological warfare is to effect people mentally.

My advice to you If you feel that ANY in game actions are affecting you (or your kids) mentally then take your complaints to outside authorities if you are not satisfied with the response that people who are responsible for policing these rulings give you. In fact maybe take it outside anyway because of the child abuse implications.

I have done similar for my kids when experiencing on game trolling/bullying and it has yielded results , feel free to message me for links of places to send to.

If you are complaining via a ticket in game be sure to mention that it IS affecting you mentally, whether that be lack of sleep, a feeling of being bullied, or anxiousness whatever.
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Go ahead and ghost. Same to everyone else crying the excuse of how you can't handle a WAR game. Ghost out and don't come back. The Mods and Devs and everyone at inno - including the majority of the player base that ACTUALLY plays the game - would rather you ghost out and not give everyone more work to do so they can handle actual complaints and issues vs a "I refuse to play the game how intended therefore it should be adjusted to how I want" cry out.

LOL where do they find these guys

Still I think maybe the mods need to reply here to just reasure players that the accusations being levelled at them here are not true. Is there a responsibilty for duty of care or are they really wanting players to ghost rather saddling them with the unwanted burden of investigating players concerns and complaints.


Go ahead and ghost. Same to everyone else crying the excuse of how you can't handle a WAR game. Ghost out and don't come back. The Mods and Devs and everyone at inno - including the majority of the player base that ACTUALLY plays the game - would rather you ghost out and not give everyone more work to do so they can handle actual complaints and issues vs a "I refuse to play the game how intended therefore it should be adjusted to how I want" cry out.

yeah bro i am sure the mods will love everyone other then one alliance to stop playing :).
And if you think this is a war game for the mods and the devs. Its not its their job and business, so i don't think they would want anyone ruining this for them :).

really so smart. wonder from which whole you come from.


"If you believe the player attacking you is doing so in a manner which breaches our Code of Conduct please report this. If this is the case then the support team will deal with this. However, please note, that if you do not see immediate action this could be that the player is not in breach of our code of Conduct or that the investigation is taking time."

IN OTHER WORDS, If they like you enough, they will let you get away with it, and if they don't, they will ban you because favoritism. seems legit.

You really think that what is being done to this particular player is justified? The only point of these type of attacks are to cause the poor guy as much mental anguish and stress as possible, maybe if you become a target for a little bullying then you get to understand?


You really think that what is being done to this particular player is justified? The only point of these type of attacks are to cause the poor guy as much mental anguish and stress as possible, maybe if you become a target for a little bullying then you get to understand?
I'm ready to ally with the whole world and make him try :)

Thanks dan btw :)


I am not advocating bullying anyone, the point is that half these keyboard warriors like Pyro would cry like babies if they were subjected to similar abuse but they can hide behind a keyboard and get away with with it. These guys would not dare to do what they do in real life they are basically cowards who can get away with what they do from the safety of anominity behind a keyboard. Somebody has to stand up for those that are victims.

Look at this guy Slowrex, complains about JFL spamming relentlessly and then joins them lol, are people here that spineless about standing up to faceless keyboard warriors?


Well, they are bullying them into joining them lol. or they will ruin the game for them. like they do to everyone...

I think the mods are too easy on that.


As i said above report it to the mods so that you have the proof that you've raised it, but then take it above the mods outside of the game to complain about concerns of the obvious online abuse/cyber bullying that is occuring in a game played by children and the willingness of those responsible for policing the game for refusing to act even with the evidence provided. If cyberbullying is being allowed to occur then those that are failing to deal with it are accountable as well as the perpertrators.

i Ihave reports from screenshots off here so happy to collate documentation and send as a concerned parent, needs to go outside the game to the relevant authorities and then directed back at a couple of links, one of which is the Youth Protection Officer.


This is why the righteous Black Sails exist... to weed out the predators that think bully spamming is acceptable. When the mods fail to deal with the spamming scourge that has existed for years , it inevitably opens up the door for vigilantes to police the worlds (very effectively too!).

Yes is is a WAR game but even in war there is integrity.


I am not advocating bullying anyone, the point is that half these keyboard warriors like Pyro would cry like babies if they were subjected to similar abuse but they can hide behind a keyboard and get away with with it. These guys would not dare to do what they do in real life they are basically cowards who can get away with what they do from the safety of anominity behind a keyboard. Somebody has to stand up for those that are victims.

Look at this guy Slowrex, complains about JFL spamming relentlessly and then joins them lol, are people here that spineless about standing up to faceless keyboard warriors?
Bud, I think you need to take a break from the computer. Go outside, get some fresh air, take a cold shower.. relax. Taking it a little to heart don't you think? I've played this game since it came out and have been on the other side of the JFL strategies. At the end of the day it is just that, strategies to win a war game. I've been on both ends of it, I have seen both sides and can understand both perspectives. Yes it sucks being on the wrong end of course but when you sign up to play a game like this do you not expect to be attacked and have your cites taken any means necessary? I mean it says so in the rules you can and will be and if you can't handle it turn your alarm off or maybe play another world. "Code of Conduct"? What is it? What is breaching it? Who knows because the mods will never tell us.

But the strategy works doesn't it? I believe Sylt has lost 5 cities with two more in siege? & before yo drag me into this maybe ask Sylt if I have spammed him. I don't spam and won't spam. I tried taking his city straight up once and he did a good job sniping me so I tried again later and got him that time.


Bud, I think you need to take a break from the computer. Go outside, get some fresh air, take a cold shower.. relax. Taking it a little to heart don't you think? I've played this game since it came out and have been on the other side of the JFL strategies. At the end of the day it is just that, strategies to win a war game. I've been on both ends of it, I have seen both sides and can understand both perspectives. Yes it sucks being on the wrong end of course but when you sign up to play a game like this do you not expect to be attacked and have your cites taken any means necessary? I mean it says so in the rules you can and will be and if you can't handle it turn your alarm off or maybe play another world. "Code of Conduct"? What is it? What is breaching it? Who knows because the mods will never tell us.

But the strategy works doesn't it? I believe Sylt has lost 5 cities with two more in siege? & before yo drag me into this maybe ask Sylt if I have spammed him. I don't spam and won't spam. I tried taking his city straight up once and he did a good job sniping me so I tried again later and got him that time.

Slowrex you are a coward, maybe so in real life so maybe just a trait of character. I will call you out for what you are, if you feel that the need to harass somebody online through cyber bullying is acceptable then maybe the tables should be turned on you. Are you really that in fear of charlie ? WOW grow a pair dude have some self respect/esteem.
TKF's Alliance Power Rankings Edition Four: Just For Laughs Drops, Hugs/Slap Drops, Smoking Snakes Surge, Watchers Rise, A New #1 Emerges
I thought Charlie was supposed to be this big bad wolf who everyone feared. From everything i've seen, he just spams HC to the whole island until he finds someone OFFLINE to send a cs at. Never anyone online, or active for that matter. I hear he's got his whole alliance running a "spam" op on a...
I quote you above before you went into wet yourself mode and "please don't hurt me charlie blub blub" mode, how proud you must be lol absolutely spineless individual.

I will continue to fight the cause for those that are bullied on line, you obviously don't see bullying as a problem so i will note that with interest to see how you cope :)

Another monkey wheeled out by the organ grinder to defend the indefencable, truth is bud you don't have the courage to speak your mind you are basically another charlie mouthpice, terrified of what he might do to you if you upset him, i can feel you trembling right now lol.

The facts are you make a post crying about somebodies actions and then are so spineless that you don't have the courage to stand up to that person - wow people must be so proud of you lol.

This is about cyberbullying and the effect on children its obvious that you have no regard for child abuse or the knock on effects of cyberbullying which again shows what kind of character you probably are.

If a guy started beating up on your sister you'd probably offer to hold his coat. What a Brave man you are.


I CBA to read all that. Like I said, James, I think you need to step away from the computer and get some fresh air. You seem to be taking this all personally. I can picture you at your pc, hands shaking from how fast you want to type and get everything off your chest.

Bullying? Children? Child abuse? Come on, that's not to be joked about. Take a long hard look in the mirror James. The only people bullying and cyber bullying on here are you. But anyways, time to take the kids to the zoo! Sorry I don't have more time for you today.