Dion Global Newspaper Issue IV
Newspaper Creator: TheLastKnight
Source: Info Lookup
Time/Date Info Viewed
1/21/2018 20:57:32
Table of Contents
I. Top 8 : Sink or Swim
II. Ocean Analysis
III: Wars
IV: Rumor Mill
V: 5 Recent Conquests
VI: Game
I. Top 8 Sink or Swim
Newspaper Creator: TheLastKnight
Source: Info Lookup
Time/Date Info Viewed
1/21/2018 20:57:32
Table of Contents
I. Top 8 : Sink or Swim
II. Ocean Analysis
III: Wars
IV: Rumor Mill
V: 5 Recent Conquests
VI: Game
I. Top 8 Sink or Swim
1. Kallistei
- 1,835,369 Points - 1st Attackers(Alliances)
- 59 Players - 1st Defenders(Alliances)
Kallistei look like their core between each of the oceans is tightening and I have noticed they have grown in points a lot sense last issue. I see this group of players lasting a good while. 1st in ABP and DBP and Fighters also. Cut down all of their internals and heard this group was progressing good right now gaining control of both of their oceans. SWIM- 1,835,369 Points - 1st Attackers(Alliances)
- 59 Players - 1st Defenders(Alliances)
2. Triad
- 1,443,667 Points - 2nd Attackers(Alliances)
- 53 Players - 2nd Defenders(Alliances)
3. House of Pain
- 1,237,294 Points - 3rd Attackers(Alliances)
- 59 Players - 3rd Defenders(Alliances)
- 1,172,290 Points - 4th Attackers(Alliances)
- 60 Players - 5th Defenders(Alliances)
5. Phoenix Legends
- 779,192 Points - 5th Attackers(Alliances)
- 53 Players - 4th Defenders(Alliances)
6. -Fire and Ice-
- 661,595 Points - 7th Attackers(Alliances)
- 60 Players - 8th Defenders(Alliances)
Fire and Ice seems to be growing and gaining cities. 7th in ABP and 8th in DBP seems to be keeping up with the top 5 alliances right behind them in points. I heard this group was having problems with a 5 player alliance so who knows there falling may be coming soon. SINK
7. Wolf Pack
- 642,595 Points - 21st Attackers(Alliances)
- 45 Players - 11th Defenders(Alliances)
Wolf Pack is 2nd in O55 right behind Triad. I don’t see this alliance lasting though due to being so far down in attacking ABP and pretty far behind in DBP so must not have the pressure applied to them yet. I see Triad eating this alliance up in the long run though. 21st in ABP and 11th in DBP. FLOAT then SINK
8. Gods of Wrath
- 545,064 Points - 6th Attackers(Alliances)
- 45 Players - 6th Defenders(Alliances)
GOW seem to have some pretty good players in there rankings but can’t seem to be holding up against Kallistei with losing cities. 6th in ABP and DBP, but they do seem to be holding well in the ranking and seem to be fighting. I really in the long term don’t see this alliance holding up though. SINK
II. Ocean Anaylsis
- Kallistei 1,022,694 Points 211 Cities
- Gods of Wrath 504,297 Points 151 Cities
- Prima Superbia 298,002 Points 89 Cities
- Kallistei 769,460 Points 147 Cities
- Phoenix Legends 730,872 Points 189 Cities
- Phoenix Legends II 224,278 Points 78 Cities
- OCEANS VETERANS 1,119,993 Points 264 Cities
- House of Pain 1,117,179 Points 269 Cities
- S.T.O.R.M 369,544 Points 100 Cities
- Triad 1,325,681 Points 265 Cities
- Wolfpack 568,533 Points 141 Cities
- Littoral Combat 329,069 Points 93 Cities
- Melda 260,462 Points 97 Cities
- Melda II 91,414 Points 40 Cities
- Wolfpack 72,231 Points 20 Cities
- Poseidons Hydrons 145,895 Points 54 Cities
- -Fire and Ice- 56,870 Points 18 Cities
- Mythical Alliance 46,456 Points 36 Cities
- Shadow Wraiths 202,921 Points 68 Cities
- Half-Blood Heroes 170,146 Points 77 Cities
- No Name 77,568 Points 24 Cities
- As Athens Burns 202,921 Points 68 Cities
- Littoral Combat 44,356 Points 12 Cities
- Melda II 42,284 Points 19 Cities
III. Wars
Kallistei VS Gods of Wrath
6 - 0
Kallistei VS Phoenix Legends
3 - 0
Kallistei VS Prima Superbia
8 - 0
Triad VS Rising Tide
5 - 0
House of Pain VS -Fire and Ice-
2 - 0
Phoenix Legends VS No Name
7 - 0
Victorium VS Eclipse
7 - 0
IV. Rumor Mill
- Fire and Ice and S.T.O.R.M has been begging for mercy from Pendragon.
- 7 team coalition formed against Kallistei.
- OCEANS VETERANS is hugging most of the server.
- Gods of Wrath is having problems between leadership.
V. 5 Recent Conquests
22.01.2018, 17:18 [town]18526[/town] 2895 alexovi
Phoenix Legends 2 WWHS152
[URL='']Phoenix Legends[/URL]
22.01.2018, 16:50 [town]17585[/town] 2385 coba56
As Athens Burns joe green
[URL='']As Athens Burns[/URL]
22.01.2018, 16:29 [town]17680[/town] 2766 Ghost city Mortifer The Great
[URL='']Fire and Ice[/URL]
22.01.2018, 16:27 [town]797[/town] 4696 Paiopustara
Prima Superbia motsari
22.01.2018, 15:29 [town]3325[/town] 3244 taigalvan
Grey Shield TheLastKill
[URL='']House of Pain[/URL]
VI. Game
Winner: Genios #7
Please guess the word phrase to gain a Happiness spell and 5,000 of each resource.
Grepolis Related.
Something you use.
8 Letters First Word
5 Letters Second Word
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*Next Issue*
14th or 15th
Top 5 Alliances SINK/SWIM
NEW Ocean Analysis
5 Recent Conquest
Dion Poem
Thanks for reading!
I hope you enjoyed the fourth issue too Dion Global Newspaper!
TLK Signing Out!