DNN cities


Owning a tiny city can be one of the greatest joys that life has to offer. Unfortunately, there are few pains as severe as seeing your tiny plot destroyed. The great tragedy here is that most tiny city disasters are, with the right knowledge and foresight, entirely preventable.

Although you may wish to build your new place such that you can carry it around with you, this is not a good idea. Putting it in your pocket or grasping it in the palm of your hand are both extremely risky activities. One little accident and your entire tiny house could end up a pile of tiny rubble. Worse, you might simply set your city down and lose it, unable to find it because it is tiny and hard to see.

Most tiny city enthusiasts choose to build in pleasant, natural locations. A Big World city is going to be built on a piece of property where it will stay indefinitely. A tiny city should be no different.

Building outside is not without its dangers. The major downside to tiny cities is that they're simply much more fragile than any other form of housing. Because of this, great care needs to be taken at all stages of tiny home ownership, starting with construction.

The number one danger facing cities is Trolls. Will Trolls take over my tiny city and turn it into some terrible troll den? They will--if you let them. Trolls simply do not respect personal property rights. Some have no qualms quartering in your city, regardless of whether you invite them in or not. Seeing a worm pop up out of the ground and tower over your tiny city can be extremely traumatizing. When you build a tiny city you need to consider your security from day one.

When I built my tiny city I wanted to protect my tiny possessions from the thoughtless violence of the Troll hordes. That's why I spent seconds fortifying the area I planned to build my tiny city. I prepared separate defenses for each kind of Troll. For the crawling and marching kinds, I dug a tiny moat around the perimeter of my property. For the hopping kind, I erected a tiny wall along the property border. If any hopper dared leap at my property, it would splat against the wall and fall into the moat. For the flying ones I built a small set of trebuchets and put up piles of salt crystals I could launch at them. Unfortunately, I have yet to devise a worthwhile strategy against the worming ones. I just hope they leave me and my tiny city in peace.

While such fortifications could easily appear unsightly or even menacing, I took special care in making them as aesthetically pleasing as possible. And I did all this before I even began construction on my tiny Victorian-style house. Had I rushed into construction right away, I would soon be scrambling to protect my investment from any number of Troll incursions.

Another thing city builders often forget to do is think long term. It's not enough to simply build a tiny city; you have to build your tiny city to last. I took my time and carefully constructed everything according to clearly defined blueprint using only the finest materials. For the harder tasks, such as the plumbing and electrical systems, I hired a contractor. If you want a job done right, sometimes you have to swallow your pride and ask for help. Besides, the last thing you want is to lose your tiny house to a tiny house fire because of bad wiring. Get it right!

Make sure your tiny city is solid before you start moving in your tiny valuables. Even the gentlest crap-storm can produce drops half the size of your tiny city. And if the downpour doesn't get you, the flooding and inevitable mudslinging just might. Nature has no mercy.


Hmmmm, there is obviously a hidden meaning in there somewhere , hmmmm just buggers me what it is lol :p


Warning: Do not build a theatre in your tiny city.

Below is my true account to a friend of the frustrations of running a theatre in a tiny city under attack. I post it here in hope that you can learn from my mistake.

The little actors continued performing, even under siege, because they are true professionals. But by the third day they were starting to stink a little from not bathing. I tried to have a word with them but they just said they do not believe in my existence. I told them I was real, it was them that was imaginary. They just shrugged their little shoulders and turned their backs to me. Well, this made me upset, I mean, I am real. I know I am, I feel real. I'm feeling myself right now and that sure feels real to me. So I got angry and I shouted at them. I said 'Listen here, little actors. Don't you turn your little backs to me like that! You just listen to me or I will demolish your tiny theatre! And besides, I will be doing you a favour. I mean who puts a theatre next to a silver mine anyways, you silly people! Don't you know that mining is toxic to the environment? Where are your permits?!"

Well, as you can imagine, this did not go down well with the little actors. They said I was making a scene and disturbing their performance. I said, "I don't care. Who the hell invented this non-stop play anyways. I am tired of watching it!!" So they said, you don't HAVE to watch it! And I said, "I have to watch the city, it's under attack, you tiny idiots!!"

It was at this point that the audience got involved. They started shushing me and that made me me even angrier. So I said, "Don't you tell me to be quiet. Did you even pay to get into this play? I don't see any financial accountability here! Where are your ticket stubs with proof of payment?!" Then I looked around at them and said, "and why are you all wearing blue and yellow here? Dont you know your national colours are blue and white?!"

Well, they all started shouting at me at once. Telling me to go away, that I wasn't even one of them so how would I know?. I told them I didn't have to be one of them to know these things. That they were just imaginary little audience people that probably couldn't even read. So a riot broke out and they all started telling me that I wasn't real and then they all turned their backs on me. So I lost my temper and I took my thumb and I squished all their tiny little brains out.. I'm sorry but they deserved it.

ps. now I feel I may have been incorrect about the national colour thing. I'm not sure if there was the country of Greece back then was there? So probably no national colours. oops, my bad..



Long post... *yawns*

Do you have to post on everything Thomas? Every pointless little comment you make which 99.9% of the time has no relevance at all. Besides most of it makes no sense at all. Its so much fun coming on to the forums each day and seeing all of your spam on dead threads (sarcasm). Sometimes while I am reading your posts I feel sorry for you. You are daft, but not the good type. The fact that you are not red bars yet simply amazes me. You almost have as many useless posts than points in the game!

Just speaking the truth.
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