Double Worlds Opening??


just waiting for another World Speed 3 and Unit Speed 3 world.

Delphi without morale, and a lower alliance cap... oh yeah, that would be awesome.

I think the world openings should be slowed down a bit...imo alliances don't fight like they used to once one team establishes supremacy everyone pretty much just says "welp" then half hearts it some world hop some stick till the end but nobody really fights like the old days.

Just my opinion

Well... yes and no. Some blame can be attributed to some dubious and lazy leader figures not putting in appropriate strategies and ideas in place to keep their alliances or worlds interesting, as well as players who seem to ghost and quit whenever they see a reasonable threat. Back in the 1.0 days, people were braver and loved a challenge.


People lose the will to play there is no motivation once the top alliance is established it almost seems as if there is no way to topple them so everyone rolls over and 'dies' so to speak. The recent worlds have all been dominated by a premade made by the best players, right from early on in the world these top alliances would dominate the core oceans and take everything meaning that they would be almost invincible. These alliances don't appear to be looking for a fight they are just looking to be at the top of world with as little resistance as possible. And as you implied now people don't want a challenge if they aren't in the top alliance at the top of the world then to them there is no point in playing... This is a war game but there isn't a whole lot of warring involved anymore.

As you said this is partly down to some of the poor leaderships of the players but it's also down to the poor mentality of the players in the worlds. And one final thing, everyone whines about morale being bad but is it really a bad thing? Morale will keep the smaller players in the world and should in theory lead to alot more fighting and a level playing field. The top players cant grow as fast because they have to waste countless numbers of troops to get cities.


People lose the will to play there is no motivation once the top alliance is established it almost seems as if there is no way to topple them so everyone rolls over and 'dies' so to speak. The recent worlds have all been dominated by a premade made by the best players, right from early on in the world these top alliances would dominate the core oceans and take everything meaning that they would be almost invincible. These alliances don't appear to be looking for a fight they are just looking to be at the top of world with as little resistance as possible. And as you implied now people don't want a challenge if they aren't in the top alliance at the top of the world then to them there is no point in playing... This is a war game but there isn't a whole lot of warring involved anymore.

I think if the premade is more than 50 excellent players, or 100 average players who are eager and quick to learn, with decent leadership, then I think I would agree. Then the domination is purely based on numbers and less on actual skill or hard work. If the premade was 30 or less skilled players, or no more than 60 average players, then that might help foster some more competition. I think in the old days, most alliances formed fit either of these strategies, and MRAs back then literally meant alliances that tried to survive purely through big numbers, but were hopeless in organization and leadership. This was the natural equilibrium that is gradually becoming extinct. A big player dominating with a wide margin is one thing, they can still be brought down with team work and skill, but a bigger alliance tends to eliminate competition. These should really be formed later on in a world, if they have to exist.

As you said this is partly down to some of the poor leaderships of the players but it's also down to the poor mentality of the players in the worlds. And one final thing, everyone whines about morale being bad but is it really a bad thing? Morale will keep the smaller players in the world and should in theory lead to alot more fighting and a level playing field. The top players cant grow as fast because they have to waste countless numbers of troops to get cities.

I have been in some excellent alliances, past and present, where the leadership either became lazy, or wasn't particularly spectacular to begin with, and many of the better players left and their team mates subsequently had to consume them. This overall tends to hamper the moral of members, and even in smaller groups can adversely affect their ability to fight, but I digress.

Morale is no abuse-free way of tackling any of these issues, if anything it has helped to add to the problem, as the amount of players who join new worlds always tends to be the same (30k-60k), and a small player doesn't necessarily mean a newby or weak player, indeed some small players can be the most highly-skilled and experienced competitors around. Morale allows a loophole where larger players can stack defense into a smaller players city when they know a city-takeover is underway, and hampers larger players abilities to fully rim someone out of a game. If you grow fast and put in the time to remain one of the bigger players, which takes a greater amount of time than a small player, you shouldn't be put on equal footing. Dog eat dog is a crucial part of any serious or worthwhile war game.


People lose the will to play there is no motivation once the top alliance is established it almost seems as if there is no way to topple them so everyone rolls over and 'dies' so to speak. The recent worlds have all been dominated by a premade made by the best players, right from early on in the world these top alliances would dominate the core oceans and take everything meaning that they would be almost invincible. These alliances don't appear to be looking for a fight they are just looking to be at the top of world with as little resistance as possible. And as you implied now people don't want a challenge if they aren't in the top alliance at the top of the world then to them there is no point in playing... This is a war game but there isn't a whole lot of warring involved anymore.

As you said this is partly down to some of the poor leaderships of the players but it's also down to the poor mentality of the players in the worlds. And one final thing, everyone whines about morale being bad but is it really a bad thing? Morale will keep the smaller players in the world and should in theory lead to alot more fighting and a level playing field. The top players cant grow as fast because they have to waste countless numbers of troops to get cities.

Morale is bad, its over tuned thats just the way it is... it basically hurts players who are most active.... on 1 side grepolis wants activity by farming and daily rewards on other side they kill them with morale.

That aside.

People dont lose motivation, peopel dont have any motivation to begin with.... they think they can afk sim up their cities then they're conquered after a month they quit... there was no motivation no nothing.

The recent worlds have all been dominated by a premade made by the best players, right from early on in the world these top alliances would dominate the core oceans and take everything meaning that they would be almost invincible. These alliances don't appear to be looking for a fight they are just looking to be at the top of world with as little resistance as possible. And as you implied now people don't want a challenge if they aren't in the top alliance at the top of the world then to them there is no point in playing... This is a war game but there isn't a whole lot of warring involved anymore.

What is the objective of each world on grepolis? To build 4 world wonders right? There is no objective called MAKE WARS, why would top alliances want to make wars once they rocked everyone around... Its in core line of the game, to do what you described, we want number 1 thats our objective and get 4 WW done 1st... how do you do it the easiest? to get 30-50 best players together and start in new world destroy all competition nearby and win.


World Wonder are a boring goal. They were created to extend our interest in a server that would otherwise go stale in a few months, rather than a few years. The "Master of X" and "Island Stronghold" Awards have ridiculous requirements and the only thing that truly kills a world is inactivity.


World Wonder are a boring goal. They were created to extend our interest in a server that would otherwise go stale in a few months, rather than a few years. The "Master of X" and "Island Stronghold" Awards have ridiculous requirements and the only thing that truly kills a world is inactivity.

You mean Island Overlords? It depends on how exactly you achieve that, I think non-farm smaller islands are included, and the smallest number slots I have seen on those are 5. Get 10 of them and you get a level IV award, it takes time, but it is possible... just hard.

A harder award to win is the trainer award, level IV is 100,000 units... wow, how many do you get from all 8 farming villages on one island in a day? 64 at the most. That will take years to get.


Well, for me, although double worlds give the players more variety, they also greatly increase the number fo worlds.


Pfft, i think we all know that banhammers look more like this:



  • banhammer.jpg
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Well, for me, although double worlds give the players more variety, they also greatly increase the number fo worlds.

Pfft, i think we all know that banhammers look more like this:

how would you know? did you get hit by one;)
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