EN54 Pre-made !


Next Generation

Allianties komen, en allianties gaan,
maar wij, bijven voor altijd bestaan.

That means this: (Dutch)
Alliances come, alliances go, but we always stay.


This alliance consists of a several Dutch players. We do not speek very good English. That is the reason that we're searching for a lot of English players.

Also we are searching for 1 or maybe 2 English alliance leaders.


As I have just said, we are still looking for English players.

Requirements for join us:
- Start the world in the direction of North-East.
- Be active, in the game and on the forum.
- We do not all speak perfect English. Please consider this.
- You do not have experience, you have to want to learn.
- Can use skype. (Not cam/mic)

What should you do if you want to join us:
- Send a message to my forum account.​