Epic Fail meets SEA


That is so true.

If you don't like what you read, then move on or play nice.

Forums aren't so active because players bash on each other for every little thing.


And honestly, I believe at this stage it is necessary to destroy the MRAs so the elites can have a nice war on the horizon. Plus, if MRA's stay in place for too long, they actually become threats.... Or they just turtle and become fortresses basically....


bashing is all part of these forums....it is quite funny to read.
and this is why we have different sections in the forums....some for learning, some for bragging, and others to mess with other alliances heads.... its all good fun.


Your right about the turtle effect of MRA's. One of their leaders, which by the way is what I focus on, had over 1000 Biremes in their port. The SEA MRA is actually learning to use BB codes and send useful support. Don't tell them that we can attack his other city because it has little support. I had several LS nukes ready and destroyed his city with 500 Biremes. Did you know LS stands for Love Ships? I like to send them lots of Love.


Hehe, nice joke.

All they do is stand around with a bullet proof vest that, little by little, gets stronger as they recruit more members. They will never mount a serious attack, but any attacks made against them will be difficult as they have quite good defensive measures. The rest of there time is put towards SimCity.


We have had a hard time with some defense, but eventually they start breaking down.

I believe we have taken 8 cities from their "best" player.

Almost got them out of our ocean now.


Spartan Elite Army is no more. We can all rejoice at the fail of yet another MRA.