Erik ghosted...again

  • Thread starter DeletedUser51741
  • Start date


I was founder of Black List, yes, the 1# alliance in the O44.

I am not so sure that I would confess to were number #1 until we attacked you and your whole alliance collapsed within 24 hrs. Leadership abandoning dozens of players and jumping to Coming Soon in the middle of being op'd. You talk about saving Chill but don't save your own


Again wrong infos Ares ...
I already wrote that the merge was planned weeks before.
BL players was alerted 48 hours before the merge and they had the chance to join Alpha et Omega and Coming i never abandoned anyone....simple some of them decided to join HM just because they choose to stay and play to O44 only....
About HM ops...i prefer not comment, because some italians real friends played in your alliance, and they talked very bad about the HM ops gesture...they left Sinope (except Max) because HM sim all the time, waiting inactives and internals...
and frankly for me Sinope is i don't care about this world and i'm not interested to talk about the past.... is useless talk with propaganda i can stop to reply.
Anyway this is an Emporium (en88) World thread.
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Lol, It's always coincident that all of our enemies either in Sinope or Emporion appear to have another plan or real life issues when we op them. Excuse, all excuse!


BL....uhuhh....i have played long time...and not as inactive guye...but...BL...just vanished without any proper info or voteing or what ever...ok, mabe i drinked wrong time, 2 dayes a row (too less) but when i logged in, all runned out... what ever this name called...alliance or coalition...
who desided this move, was very selfish/ dictators(no names).i never was jumper and this time as well...i was the last one who was eaten via HM...but i get time from chill, to move my away with my slots(ofcorseinvite as well),but i moved and then i just had fun with my own. till the end...against very poor players....
and now in here EMPORION, feels all the same...jump in here ,change there,accept this...what the hell...soon i be the traitor and choose my self...
BL...had very good team and it had a good possibilty to grow via bb. against HM...but upside desiders didnt like just play the game ,they like to talk and merge and waste time to relocate and build all again and again, till all start to think ww time...there are just no time for this .

aaah... sry my bad english, but i think you vise guyes got my point...

PS:personly ii just dont like leaders who talk much...sametime in bb.point table have less than grepo.points. so more activity in there, than bluffing matter how big you are hold you statuses right first.
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I can hardly understand what Mats wanted to say but it seems to be what I heard from ex Black List guys who joined us: Incompetent leaders and a slavery strategy.
Lol, calling other simmers when you abandoned the whole core Ocean to run to Ocean 65 at the very first sight of war. You must be a genius "fighter", Iconic.


Mats........I understand you perfectly. You are further confirmation as to what we have been saying all along. They ran because they were under attack and left a lot of members high and dry, plain and simple. Maybe there was plans to merge into Coming Soon but it sure as heck was not at that point in time. Leadership ran to save themselves.....didn't even bother to wait for everyone to jump, they were the first to go. Here's the keys, you lock the door, we are out of here......Lol.


Yes, Sinope will still be talked about until Inno close this forum :D


Yes, Sinope will still be talked about until Inno close this forum :D

Just chill times on sinope now waiting for it to close one hell of a battle went down the other day though