Pending farming villages


The new premium feature Farming Villages window doesn't work when I change active city while the farming villages window is open. It will work again either if I close and reopen the farming villages window, or if the active city is changed to the first city when the farming villages window was opened.
Not sure if this was intentional or not, but it's a bit annoying to having to close and reopen farming window for switching active city.


World: upsilon
Browser and Version: IE9.
Overview of the bug: when i farm villages using the premium captain (the new farming window), it works okay for the first time. but when i change the active city while the farming window is open and waiting for the farming cool down, the farming window will not respond to any button clicks. it can be closed and reopened and works fine. if, however, active city is changed back to the original city, then the un-responding farming window re-responds =.=;; not sure how to explain this better.
Screenshots: it will take too many screenshoots to get the visual in this.. i'll post it if you don't get what i'm saying above.
How often this occurs: everytime
Urgency: extremely minor
Preventative Actions: as said above
Summary: as described above
I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: Yes



I opened the farming overview screen in PolisA. I then use the arrows to switch to PolisB, but it still shows the farming villages from PolisA, and when I try to farm I get the error message : 'Your active city is not on this island!'.

Do you get that error message? I have been unable to replicate the unresponsiveness you mentioned.


try this.
open the farming overview, demand 5min resources from all villages in all cities. then change the active city. when you try clicking on city names in the farming overview, villages won't update as suppose to.