Funny Comment from the Founder himself...


I thought these guys looked alright; serious; capable... then...

White Knight: I am buying the company that runs this game
XSlor: o_0
White Knight: Yea
White Knight: you heard me
XSlor: what's that gonna do....
White Knight: i am fixing it
White Knight: I am sick of the moderaters
White Knight: they all band together
White Knight: and nother gets done
White Knight: Incubi's players use sever accounts
White Knight: several*
White Knight: and nothing has been done
White Knight: So Fixing that
White Knight: I will fire all the moderators

........ and further down the page .........

XSlor: how old are you?
White Knight: hahaha now it is my turn
White Knight: I am 17
White Knight: I own
White Knight: alot


loooooooooool, sounds like the dude is on some kinda trippy drugs ;)


TristinSentath - watch out! Your job is on the line!!!!! ;)


No one in incubi uses several accounts. A couple accounts were gifted via grepolis rules to new players.


ooooooo a guy that can buy grepolis, most players reaction to this.



Just to remind myself

Nice job White Knight, you have 3 cities all on the same island ;)


What a weenie. Some people just cant handle the fact that there may actually be people in the world that are better than them at things. I mean no matter what I'm doing, if their are other people involved I want to do it better than them. That's what being a competitor is all about. But at the same time you gotta be able to swallow your pride, take a step down from your pedastool, and except it for what it is. Because unless you posses an Olympic gold medal, no matter what you are doing, there is ALWAYS going to be someone better.


hang on a moment - don't be too hard on the guy - i mean - whilst it's highly likely he's been licking halucenogenic toadstools, he could have a rich daddy, or be some kind of teen genius with a multimillion euro empire behind him - laugh all you want bitches - I am sure we'll all be kicked for making fun of him in a few days ... or maybe not ;)



Look guys,

This guy is in my alliance. He was in my alliance before that and in my alliance before that. Please don't judge us on what he says. He's a rich Italian kid. He is disconnected with reality. It's a long story.:rolleyes:

Anyways, the words he speaks are not representative of Veroxial. He has not really contributed to how great we are and we are a great alliance.

I apologize for the accusations that he has made. As far as I'm concerned they are unfounded. I doubt that an alliance such as Incubi needs to dual account.