Greatest battles


i wish there were more groups like alphabeta out there.....
i think they truly encompass the spirit of this game.
nothing but good things to say about them.

if there were a few more groups like alphabeta, maybe alpha world would have some more action.
if we provide safe havens (mra's) for inactives and cowardly players who do not wish to fight, we are just encouraging and enabling this behavior.
if they had no where to run, they would be forced to learn how to play the game in order to survive.

perhaps we should close new membership to alpha, force the players to step up their game and see who survives.......
stop providing new blood for these inactive alliances to stay afloat.
see which groups emerge as the true powers.

no one would go for it of course, but it could be fun.


I haven't personally had too many battles personally but I must award some props to EJ, they had many poor players to start with but a fair number of their remaining players are decent. They support well and our causing us a few problems in O64 (although all but about 5-10% of their sparta conquests are inactives :) ) really shows that small teams working together work best.

particular props must go to Alcebiades who I have tried on numerous times to persuade him (or her) to join sparta. Also ravenheart and solon are 2 players that are very stubborn! I hate to say it but ulthor was very resourceful and sneaky in every sense of the word.

I have also heard TAS are worthwhile enemies as well!