Halo vs Call of Duty

  • Thread starter devilimpstudios
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I can tell you the AI on Halo ODST is no joke and I am looking forward to the new Halo more than any other game in a while. However COD is a much cleaner fps as far as things like cover, scope snap and running and gunning is concerned. Imo, COD is a more accurate fps platform and Halo has awesome story lines. However, Halo is more of a dance if played correctly whereas playing with that kind of style in COD only works occasionally and after you get the map memorized. Once, I beat Halo on Legendary I put it away for a year and maybe come back and do it again. I haven't had the chance to play MW3 yet but I'm waiting for a new WaW as I love WWII shooters.

edit: and I hardly play multiplayer games at all these days so I'm not going to compare that aspect. The first Halo was a magnificent game if you did 16 player death matches though. I remember having the dorm hooked up via lan and shouting drunk obscenities down the hall at each other well : )
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Neither Gears of War FTW. Velrios Skyrim isn't even close to the same genre lol, hard to compare.


What about Kinectimals?

You are embarrassing yourself :p

I personally prefer Halo. I've been a Halo junkie since i picked up Halo: Combat evolved when it first came out. It was amazing. An entire planet to discover, weird alien creatures that wanted to tear me limb from limb, more vehicles than i can count etc. This was in the day of Ghost Recon where you couldn't even switch weapons in the middle of a lvl unless you died.
Halo changed the game in so many ways for the shooter and console space.

The recent Games have been amazing, drama filled beautiful games. The stories are amazing, and something that never gets enough credit (pacing and level layout) has been outstanding. Starting with Halo 3.

CoD is great, and it set the stage for amazing set-piece moments. The game play is crisp and delicate, doing everything you want it to do in order to feel natural (as natural as a joystick can).
However, to me all those spectacles make me feel like I am in a stage, where a director is pushing buttons for the sole purpose of showing off. The stories are decent, but to me, built around set-pieces.It just lacks player input for me. Combined with the fact that there is no variety in bad guys to shoot, it just makes for a more dull experience to me.

They are both great game franchises, but Halo will forever be the king to me.


I will remind you all that this thread is specifically Halo and Call of Duty - not a third entity.


I will remind you all that this thread is specifically Halo and Call of Duty - not a third entity.

He's right. It's not about supersmashbrosbrawl, skyrim, etc.... Anyway I can't see arguing against both Halo and COD. But I do like the older games of COD. I occasionally play World at War with Nazi zombies.


CoD is the worst kind of reactionary, military-worshipping trash.
Halo is pretty good, I love the story - Halo 2 will always be the king for me, the story was rich.


Yes it does (sarcasm)
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Halo is all around fun. Best games ever!
Call of Duty is pretty fun, but the makers don't take their time to make a good, well-done game. They rush out their games even with bugs and glitches everywhere. In Black Ops 2, zombies lags on singleplayer, and often crashes. The multiplayer servers suck.
Halo games feel more polished and user-friendly.


COD 4 moment: Old school free-for-all, there was insane jumping abilities. Many players jumped around the entire map. We called these annoying guys, Halo jumpers :)

I LOVED that!
My mate used to mess it up so we could do that :p


many of my friends consider call of duty 4 to be one of the best games of all time, right up there with super smash bros: Melee.

There's something to be said for keeping it simple. You put on one attachment and a camo you get from headshots and you're good. A nice variety of weapons that were all unique, and none of this fancy killstreak system, straight up uav, airstrike, helicopter.

Also, the private games that people played were awesome, especially with old school mode enabled. Cops and robbers, border patrol, and mike meyers were the bomb on cod 4. I doubt halo could compete with that.

mike myers!!!!!!
Best priv game ever! (But better on BO than COD4)


I think this thread has run its course.
Thanks to everyone who participated and shared their views.
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