Happy Easter!


Hello Ephesus ~

I hope you all have a happy and safe Easter with family and friends.. :)

Or...If you have any Grepolis Easter plans please share.. I'd love to hear all about it.. ;)

As long as you don't tell anyone..I can tell you my Grepolis Easter plans.. *shh*

~ Lane



Also what were your Easter plans?

Mine were go to Cambridge with a special someone, and hang out around there for a few days and meet up with a few mates from school times.... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you meant Grepolis Easter plans? Ummmm..... I'm out.


Hey now, I tried..

Well...us smurfs LOVE to hunt easter eggs...I mean we're the same size so it's kind of hard and they look humongous, but we still manage to move them with our little heavy duty machines..But anyways, we went back in the woods where the grass is ALWAYS green. <3 My favorite part of SmurfVille...
We hung out with family and friends and you know..chit and chatted. :p

~ Lane


Hey now, I tried..

Well...us smurfs LOVE to hunt easter eggs...I mean we're the same size so it's kind of hard and they look humongous, but we still manage to move them with our little heavy duty machines..But anyways, we went back in the woods where the grass is ALWAYS green. <3 My favorite part of SmurfVille...
We hung out with family and friends and you know..chit and chatted. :p

~ Lane

Wow... Your smurfs must have been a sight after you ate all that chocolate ;)