Happy Festivus Beta


A festivus for the rest of us!

As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way!

I find tinsel distracting.

If you have no idea what I am talking about, see the link below.


In honor of Festivus, use this thread to list your Airing of Grievances and your Feats of Strength.

The Airing of Grievances is where you tell those who have disappointed you how they have done so. I am disappointed that the founders and top players in No Surrender found a need to send 43 attacks over the last week to a sub-5000 point player in my alliance for the "offense" of sending support to another player in the alliance with whom No Surrender has a problem. Really guys?

For my Feats of Strength, since I can't wrestle the head of the alliance (household), I plan to conquer two more cities when the attack break ends.

Add your own Airing of Grievances or Feats of Strength.


Mud and snow and mud!
Then came the rain.
Mud! MUD!! MUD!!!MUD!!!!

Did I mention I am sick of the mud?