Hero World Premade


Ingame Name: HandOfAtlas
GrepoStat Link: http://www.grepostats.com/world/en21/player/2318042
Best Alliance You Have Been In: Dynasty
Do you plan on staying in this world until the end: Yes
All past Accounts: HandOfAtlas
Do you want to be leader: Main leader of current alliance for months
Why do you think you have what it takes to be leader:
Skype Name: HandOfAtlasSkype


ill let you in, but if much more people apply we will have to raise our standards


Good luck with Cabz bii, and slobo.c. I've played with them and let me tell you, they don't last long. I hope they prove me wrong tho.

EDIT: by "last long" I mean that they join a world and then quit it a few days after beginners protection or unless they're in a good alliance and can just fly under the radar (for a while).

lmfaro seriousley ? i have joined 1 world and quit after BP and that was rho lmao

i play worlds till i am bored of them like ephesus to slow so quit .

you dont have to worry about me. when did you play with me son ?


Ingame Name: mudrick
GrepoStat Link http://www.grepostats.com/world/en19/player/1888360
Best Alliance You Have Been In: Enigma http://www.grepostats.com/world/en19/alliance/1591
Do you plan on staying in this world until the end: I do yes
All past Accounts: TAU is my only main account I play
Do you want to be leader: I am a leader in TAU but really I am not to bothered about it.
Why do you think you have what it takes to be leader: I am experienced and willing to help players to the best of the abilities.
Skype Name: Don't have skype but willing to get it.


if you dont have it you dont need to install it especially for the alliance, Mudrick your in


Last but not the least :)

Ingame Name: Agis 1
GrepoStat Link http:http://us.grepostats.com/world/en1/player/914471
Best Alliance You Have Been In: Enigma http:Ingame Name: mudrick
Best Alliance You Have Been In: TSN
Do you plan on staying in this world until the end: I do yes
All past Accounts: Only this one
Do you want to be leader: Let's see once it opens and see if its' needed
Why do you think you have what it takes to be leader: A lot of experiences and time to play
Skype Name: agisishere