i see this all the time so ima make a simple instructional thread on how to not get murdered by the best alliances in any world.
1. Don't recruit everyone in sight. This just sends a huge "attack me" flag up that Alliances like AAB and DEB just love to answer. recruiting everyone in sight screams MRA. if you recruit 90 players you'll probably get a few odd looks. if you max out on a 150 player world then expect to have everyone and their mother on your butt.
2. Don't shelter refugees. Refugees are already pointless why pick a fight over them? And you can bet if the alliance has to come get the refugee forcefully they are bringing a butt kicking for your alliance with them...
3. SHUT UP! believe it or not many wars are started by the guy who already knows hes gonna lose running his mouth trying to put the fear of god in the other alliance. it never works to an alliance with pride in itself and confidence to win. all of that could be avoided by being sensable and just staying calm. There is nothing a pro alliance loves more than to shut a whinny leader up for good.
4. Be aggressive any aggressive alliance is less likely to have enemies you know why? because they are all dead. its like the nice guy in high school's chance with getting with the hot girl.
5. DON'T pact everyone...being friends with everyone in a war game is just stupid and deserves a good kick in the butt.
6. Win with pride lose with pride. Be respectful towards opponents you catch more flies with honey than vinigar i've had old arch rivals be good friends in different worlds because of this. disrepecting another player or leader is just ignorant remember if he's/she's good in one world what on earth makes you think he's/she's gonna suck in another world?
if you follow this very basic watered down guide then you "probably" won't get your butt kicked by a good alliance.
and remember at the end of the day the game is for fun its not real life. theres no reason to be dropping f bombs towards someone/ making a fool out of yourself ESPECAILY if you're losing a war. while smack talk is bound to happen and honestly makes the game sometime. raging and making stupid claims constantly just kills it. ;p
1. Don't recruit everyone in sight. This just sends a huge "attack me" flag up that Alliances like AAB and DEB just love to answer. recruiting everyone in sight screams MRA. if you recruit 90 players you'll probably get a few odd looks. if you max out on a 150 player world then expect to have everyone and their mother on your butt.
2. Don't shelter refugees. Refugees are already pointless why pick a fight over them? And you can bet if the alliance has to come get the refugee forcefully they are bringing a butt kicking for your alliance with them...
3. SHUT UP! believe it or not many wars are started by the guy who already knows hes gonna lose running his mouth trying to put the fear of god in the other alliance. it never works to an alliance with pride in itself and confidence to win. all of that could be avoided by being sensable and just staying calm. There is nothing a pro alliance loves more than to shut a whinny leader up for good.
4. Be aggressive any aggressive alliance is less likely to have enemies you know why? because they are all dead. its like the nice guy in high school's chance with getting with the hot girl.
5. DON'T pact everyone...being friends with everyone in a war game is just stupid and deserves a good kick in the butt.
6. Win with pride lose with pride. Be respectful towards opponents you catch more flies with honey than vinigar i've had old arch rivals be good friends in different worlds because of this. disrepecting another player or leader is just ignorant remember if he's/she's good in one world what on earth makes you think he's/she's gonna suck in another world?
if you follow this very basic watered down guide then you "probably" won't get your butt kicked by a good alliance.
and remember at the end of the day the game is for fun its not real life. theres no reason to be dropping f bombs towards someone/ making a fool out of yourself ESPECAILY if you're losing a war. while smack talk is bound to happen and honestly makes the game sometime. raging and making stupid claims constantly just kills it. ;p