Hunters Association


<b>King Andromeda</b>
Greetings, fellow Grepolis players.


I am here to announce the Premade, Hunters Association. I plan on this Association to be very aggressive and dominating, while at the same time being a family to the Hunters in the Association. We will be a serious and threatening Association.
I hope so :).

Now a little about me. My IGN is Nakierza. I am coming up on a total of one year played. I am currently playing in Idalium, but sadly I think it will be ending prematurely. That is why I have decided to create this Association. I have experimented in other worlds, such as Apollonia and Cythera. I have over 150k total BP in Idalium, while having 250k+ points. In the worlds that I experimented in, I learned a lot and because of this, I have refined my skills in categories such as Leadership and Fellowship. I already have two members on board, which both have thorough experience in Grepolis. I hope that everyone will trust me as a Leader to this Association.



I will be starting on the next world that comes out with the following settings:
Speed: 1 or 2
Unit Speed: 1 to 3
Alliance Cap: 80-120
Conquest Type: Revolt
Morale: Active

(Once the world that is wanted is chosen, I will tell everyone where we will be starting and such in the Skype Chat)

Alliance Prep.

[Recruitment Criteria]
I am looking for members that are experienced in Grepolis, but I will also accept newbies to Grepolis, if they are willing to learn. Everyone that is in the Association must have Skype, as we will use this to communicate to each other. We expect all Hunters to be loyal, be willing to work with a team, and friendly of course! In the end, we really want players that know the meaning of team and will go the extra mile for the Association. If you decide that you want to join, please leave a post below and I will message you through the Forum.

The leadership at the Association will be very wise, thoughtful, and careful. This Association will be a Democracy, but also a little Dictatorship. Everyone will have a say, all thoughts will be analyzed, and the Leaders will make their move off of that and their view of the direction that the alliance is going to. We hope we will have wonderful and loyal Hunters to make this possible. I will also be looking for experienced Grepo Vets to fill up some leadership and General spots.

"Where There is Unity, There is Victory"

-Also, all members will be given a custom made coat of arms. (They will all be the same, and made by me. Optional of course c: )

Four players as of 1/21/14
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You may end up in the same world as the that venom premade. Two decent looking premades in the same world should make things interesting :D


I wish you luck :D

But you probs won't be joining the same world as venom, they want morale inactive.


I hardly doubt most badass alliances would want to be in a speed 1 world either, takes ages to get stuff going and people are too anxious to start killing eachother. Morale is a definite no-no for most aswell, so it might be this premade ends up in a rather easy world with a high chance of success.


<b>King Andromeda</b>
I hardly doubt most badass alliances would want to be in a speed 1 world either, takes ages to get stuff going and people are too anxious to start killing eachother. Morale is a definite no-no for most aswell, so it might be this premade ends up in a rather easy world with a high chance of success.
Lol thanks I guess : p


Going to have a go in Lapithos so will see you in there not made any decisions on who i am joining but who knows if your any good i might be tempted, but i will be hitting random for once and not making any decision until the end of BP :) Good luck to you and great format its very neat :)


<b>King Andromeda</b>
Alright mate no problem, if you want to join us just send me a message :). Thank you very much, good luck to you also!:)