Infernus Phoenix

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My Qualifications:
I was a leader in the SES on Beta but left after they had reached the 11th spot
I had got to 40,000 points in game after my alliance turned on me, when I then survived and could have stayed but I moved country
I'm nice and will only kick as a last resort
I know the importance in timing attacks
I am experienced on both 1.26 and 2.14
I don't like morale, it sucks and I like big alliance caps because it makes me feel good when I'm not part of an MRA
My in game name is raptok.

I've been kicked out of a total of 3 alliances, of the 3 I've joined so I'm really stubborn
raptok (P)


Alliance Description
Infernus Phoenix will be an elite alliance with a maximum of 40 members, we will aim to spread across minor oceans before going into the fray so as to build our strength. Our aim is to have a high bp ranking but not point.(A high point ranking would be an added bonus)

Application:Please send all applications to me through a pm
In-game Name:
Grepostats Link:
If you were attacked what would you do:
How would you play at the beginning of a world:
What units do you like to use:
Write a small sentence on why you want to be in my(ours if you are excepted) alliance:

Kicking Policy:
No one will be kicked for having a low point total, only those who are not active within the alliance will be kicked.

We won't join a world again until we have 10 members and are all completely ready for the world this time.
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