Invite, Kick, or Conquer


Jar... I don't think you realize, despite being told numerous times, you gotta give the next guy something to work off of.... Like maybe a set of player names that you would like him to rate! =O


darklazerman, themightyone2, 123KOAN.

Gooluck(please don't hurt me)


Jar... I don't think you realize, despite being told numerous times, you gotta give the next guy something to work off of.... Like maybe a set of player names that you would like him to rate! =O

I'm pretty sure he does this on purpose to be funny since he does it every time.

Invite: 123KOAN
Kick: darklazerman (he's a spy)
Conquer: themightyone2 (good for morale)

lukjackm, kingsleyno1, Lady Acacia


Invite ~ Lady Acacia
Kick ~ kingsleyno1
Conquer ~ lukjackm

I am a spy? For what alliance?!?!

kanje, Alexander The Very Great, Uncle Bulgaria


Invite ~ Lady Acacia
Kick ~ kingsleyno1
Conquer ~ lukjackm

I am a spy? For what alliance?!?!

kanje, Alexander The Very Great, Uncle Bulgaria

Invite: none
Kick: none
Conquer: kanje, Alexander The very Geet, Uncle bullwhatever


Invite: none
Kick: none
Conquer: kanje, Alexander The very Geet, Uncle bullwhatever

Haha... for the guy that wants to conquer everyone it's gonna take him a long time with the CP that he's got! =P

Invite: I'm gonna have to say Posedion97 Jr. - just because he's from Semper-Fi in Gamma and so was I ages ago under the KB regime xD

Kick: hunter009008 is gettin' his butt booted, he was stuck at 400 points for 3 weeks, and is only at 500 now! :O

Conquer: Taurinorum is the fastest growing player out of all of em, so he'd likely be worth taking in a few weeks... =P

__________For the Next Guy__________
The Moirae have given you three choices, you must now chose the what to do with Rooster Jones, Aurave, and shawnpal - their fate now lies in your hands! (at least they read this and get to see who gets picked - or picked on)
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Invite: roosterJones
a Kick on:Zabbi's back
conquer: Aurave

Self proclaimed awasoness: Shawnpal, shawnpal2,shawnpal3,shawnpal4


-the entire elite shadows
-some random guy you can find on the rank list
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Invite ~ Zabbi ~ cus he scaries me
ES ~ cuz they scary me to
Kick ~ random guy ~ he is too random for me :)
Conquer ~ shawnpal ~ he all most made me get.....

Dobby, Zabbi, Derickrison008 ~ PS: goodluck ;)


Invite Zabbi despite what he says about my cities
2 cities now

Kick Derekrisen008 All he has proven to me is his unactiveness and bad leadership skills
if you are going to make a premade be active

Invite Dobby
I would just have him do mass spams and we would win


zabbi, i love your dramatic way of saying the next three people

Some of you arent doing it right cough cough darklazerman. The point of it is to see who you see more worthy then the other. You cant say, i want to invite both epikness and lord hamphshire. You have to chose one or the other.

Like this, the three people are epikness, zabbi and aurave

You cant do

I want to invite both epikness and zabbi

conquer none

kick aurave

that was just an example.

k so next three people:

epikness, lord hampshire, darklazerman.


Invite: Epikness, darklazerman

kike: None

conquer: Lord hampshire(i dont know him)

rooster jones,eclipse,jarpenguin


Invite ~ Eclipse ~ You really need to know why?
Kick ~ jarpenguin ~ I don't want to conquer him
Conquer ~ rooster jones ~ ...
Epikness, what if I do want to?
epikness, J o e, Whitedeath94


Invite Epikness name says it all lol
Kick Whitedeath94 needs a better name and more bp
Conquer J o e I think Legion needs a wake up call

Lord Hampshire (Look me up)jena000 Joana-loltl


invite: irishnino - great and reliable teammate and leader.

kick : mAsTeRiTy - can't have 2 of me in the same alliance...will be a clash of personalities!

conquer: Alex who? I need to find him in the game first!

Next 3 - Aurave, Joe, xl250


invite grace or i think she plays that world

kick masterity

conqour masterity

btw first off you can find me second off i play 2 worlds third off in one of them you would get owned

just found you i surrender

looked again you are in the wrong worlds
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invite grace or i think she plays that world

kick masterity

conqour masterity

btw first off you can find me second off i play 2 worlds third off in one of them you would get owned

just found you i surrender

looked again you are in the wrong worlds

And learn how to spell conquer!!! ;)

Poor attempt and off the rules - nicely done my child!!!