Iron fists get 'fisted'


Disclaimer- bare in mind I am 13k points, I have 2 cities in their ocean and 4 cities in total.

The other day I was sitting back in my polis, waving the Iron Fists flag. Then out of nowhere a thought popped into my head, I don't like Iron Fists. I left.


I arose in the morning, it was a glorious day, sun shining brightly off the mountain-tops. Out of thin air I noticed a few giant scrolls hovering in my ocean near-by;


I read them, and to my surprise they contained reports of Iron Fist soldies rampaging my villages and stealing my wimenz! :Angry:



That's a damn good attacking strategy there ;)

As the night hit again, I had to sleep; Damn primitive needs! I arose again to a ocean with scrolls floating near my village. 'Not again!'

Now this time when I check my city, I noticed a revolt attack had hit?! oh snap I thought. I don't really stand much of a chance here -.-

But I waited patiently, dodging all non-CS attacks and waiting for the all important Cs to stop.

Luckily I decided to come home early, I logged into my account to see 3minutes until an attack hit.

'Troopius on-guardus' I said to my some-what not greek troops o_O


Wow, I managed to send their Cs home o_O

Some notes you might want to take in:

- I am 14k points, I have 2 cities they are attacking.
- The people attacking me:
Meaakan - 56k points
yorkshiretyke - 47k points
- all my kills here are with substancial losses, bare in mind I was under constant attack while I was online and offline and all my troops were scraps that I had left.
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This is consistent with the skill and cunning they have shown in a war against The Hounds of Hades.


When I get back from college I will post some of the 'attacks' they decided to send overnight :p