is penaldo a spy


Out of all the Grepolis Spies/Saboteurs/Moles I know of, I've never penaldo before. Either he's not a spy or he's just an amateur.


he's not a spy lol, but he could brush up on his interaction skills


Out of all the Grepolis Spies/Saboteurs/Moles I know of, I've never penaldo before. Either he's not a spy or he's just an amateur.

Professional one

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Don't think the caliber of players calling you a spy would be saying it if they didn't know what they are talking about.

Sounds like you are an annoying spy.


If Penaldo was a spy in Sinope, he was bad at it,

he was the only persistent attacker to hit me in the Comings crew, he was a pain in the butt!


Pen might of been a spy or might not of but fact is we had spies, council info leaked which made me and rest of my lot not post in shared councils. (Sinope)

Either way spies are part of strategy even though I think them underhanded tactics, people do what they must to win.
This is a game but to gamers like me its also serious.

I might take a trip into this world for a relax from all the stress from sinope later on . Be on the rim and chill.
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Slick, if there was such a spy that can help us that much, it ought to be a very highly ranked leader in your side. Can you guess whom? :D


According to Slick's info, I guess our spy in Sinope was either you or Praehelios :D


Slick, if there was such a spy that can help us that much, it ought to be a very highly ranked leader in your side. Can you guess whom? :D

It was Frost lololol
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Penaldo admits here who he was and what he did in eubea


people with to much free time, read history eubea, history written by victors true, but feel free to talk around old enemies.


Poop on skype , nah he's lying lol


rebellion effort sinope

Author said:
penaldo on 2015-09-19 at 01:20
My dear comrades.

I was never exposing my self and I've always been loyal to alliances ...
This is my first and last letter to you all.
By profession I am an analyst, studying the behavior of people and their actions. Based on my analysis I assume traits of people who are being considered.

The situation in which we find is complicated, so I'll simplify the matter.

We are in a stalemate. We are not able to conquer the world wonder of the opponent and the opponent is not able to conquer our ww. With both sides of the departing many players. But motivation is on the side of the enemy. Why? It is a personal issiue to erik and his few friends. Erik is in this game to win every time. By doing so, he gained many enemies. His fame at various forums he added a few more enemies. Some were also issued from his hand, and these are even more motivated. These players are personally motivated against Erik, not against our alliances. Because of personal grudges to Erik enemy will never give up and We're losing motivation. So what are we left? That for months we play like we are playing now, with no resoult? If we want to win the only option is to reduce the opponent's motivation. This is only possible by Erik and his closest team to recognize defeat and withdraw from the game, remain our Alliance to achieves victory. The decision is to Erik. Won with Erik can not be created bcoz the critical mass of players who hates Erick has been reached.This is my analysis.

Now you all do what you think you should do.I gave you my analyisis i gave you a solution.Im staying in the game and im still loyal to allianse.If you think i should leave bcoz of my opinion i will do so and leave you all my cities.

Love you all

reaction from a player of his country they both know eachother

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Not exactly the smartest move denigrate like this one of the best players in your pact alliance but than we got used to see ludicrous actions from you such as destruction of 3 WWs, blaming your team member in sinope for being a spy and eating him and now this. Keep going!


Not exactly the smartest move denigrate like this one of the best players in your pact alliance but than we got used to see ludicrous actions from you such as destruction of 3 WWs, blaming your team member in sinope for being a spy and eating him and now this. Keep going!

let me guess, member of the syndicate advising me to keep him on our side.....mmmmm....thank you for the wonderfull information and awesome advise....


I remember Tasas in Eubea, he was indeed one of the best attackers, but it turned out when he was oped that he did not build walls or towers, and had no dlu! He ghosted after losing a load of cities and I when took over another account soon after.


Penaldo never give us any info neither we asked him for any info.Sinope and here.


It would seem even the slightest bit of suspicion is enough to hang a player now a days. A good spy will NEVER be caught until it is way way too late or he/she gives themselves up by actions of sabotage. Reading this has been interesting though i still see no concrete proof either way, and you can't prove a negative, the burden of proof is on the accuser .


Reading this has been interesting though i still see no concrete proof either way, and you can't prove a negative, the burden of proof is on the accuser .

Has Jamo been listerning to me?... This sounds like something I would say?


It would seem even the slightest bit of suspicion is enough to hang a player now a days. A good spy will NEVER be caught until it is way way too late or he/she gives themselves up by actions of sabotage. Reading this has been interesting though i still see no concrete proof either way, and you can't prove a negative, the burden of proof is on the accuser .

Thing about rumours is that you do not need proof.
As the saying goes "No smoke without fire."
People will always believe what they want to believe whether it is true or not and if you want to spread dissent in the enemy just start a rumour.
Some people will want to believe it whether it is true or not. Especially if it provides an excuse for their own failings.