King of the Hill - Dramatized Version


For all we know pebs is actually the ruler, for he had it first......we could even be his computer minions with memories madeby him. So in theory we could not even be real.....


But TKJ and MR NOS are real they are not people though they are merely profiles on an online forum and NOS itself can mean many things as it is a acronym.This hill only exists in the minds of the poster so in fact we could all control the hill just in our minds for it is not real elsewhere.

Joy kill


Anyways, continuing the game(New story I guess)-

The man saw the hill in the morning sky . It stood majestically there, and yet it looked destroyed. It was told that a Goddess was slain by dark powered thieves and murderers. He reached the hill soon enough and climbed tot the top. It was plain and deserted. So he decided to build a fort. After many long days, he had finished it and fortified the outside. He sat down outside, with a sword in hand, and waited for the intruders to come to his hill.


TKJ cannot die, so while you thought you killed me, I imprisoned you and sold you to Nickry. I then made a new fort for my hill.


I peruse the problem of the nuked hill.

I import in an unreasonable quantity of lead and melt it and pour it all over the hill. As it sets I pour an equally unreasonable quantity of concrete over the lead, to prevent lead poisoning. I can't kill the hill owner, but the joke is on him, along with the lead and the concrete. This keeps him down nicely, and increases the size of My Hill!


I never said i thought you were dead.

Hill's still mine.


For sake of continuation, lets assume the hill is Sirloins.


stop speaking with your mouth full (of lead)

teh hill is myne


Monstrous earthquake frees me of my trap. I then push Sirloin into the hole. My hill.


This is the dramatized version mate...try and stick toit or else this wont belong in this section :)

I guess......A monstrous earthquake struck the hill, freeing me of my prison. After being freed, I grabbed my sword and killed off Sirloin, I then reanimated her body and made her my minion. I then cloned her.....afterwards I made them rebuild the hill in my image. When they finished I destroyed them all and erased Sirloin from history. I then sat down on my throne, claiming the hill for myself.

Better much?
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