Less Players


This game needs to advertise more there is less and less players every day:eek:


The thing is gamma is over a year old and very advanced so when new players join the game they join the new worlds where they will last longer. Not many new players to gamma will grow big as even on the rim there are guys with 30-40 cities.


yttam is right, you pick the new server and it is recomended by the game anyway. Plus, like has been said, big players on the rim eat litlle ones for snacks, so they never get a chance to grow.

I used to play another game that had some nice rules to prevent this. You had a level and grew that level, much as we have points. There was 3 bands, sub lvl 10 and you couldn't be attacked, much as our start period and then from lvl 10.01 to lvl 30 you could only attack those within 10 lvl's of you. Post lvl 30 you could only hit 10 lvl's below but any lvl above. Using this method, when the sever got old and players were lvl 60+, the new players had a month or 2 to grow and they stayed longer in the game.


so storm you got some citys looked out for me ??????????lol i still got 14 days VM left....if i can be botherd to come back ill need somewhere to hide for a few week ...i got 30 cs so i just need a few clear citys im sure if you scratch my back we can make a mess of the rest ....but i wont join your alliance or enyother allince for that matter ,as i sead i got plenty cs to do a runner when i come back and once i get safe ill start again you know how easy it realy can be ... i know im a marked man but im sure when i get back i can make a few deals with a few old pals to bye some time ....failling that ill go out fighting ;)
o yea storm if your on face book tell me your addy and ill talk better there i do have a few ideas but need to run it past someone else
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so storm you got some citys looked out for me ??????????lol i still got 14 days VM left....if i can be botherd to come back ill need somewhere to hide for a few week ...i got 30 cs so i just need a few clear citys im sure if you scratch my back we can make a mess of the rest ....but i wont join your alliance or enyother allince for that matter ,as i sead i got plenty cs to do a runner when i come back and once i get safe ill start again you know how easy it realy can be ... i know im a marked man but im sure when i get back i can make a few deals with a few old pals to bye some time ....failling that ill go out fighting ;)
o yea storm if your on face book tell me your addy and ill talk better there i do have a few ideas but need to run it past someone else

Sounds like a pm to me...