Looking for Alliance


Ingame Name: xXSexySpartanXx

Points: 770

Ocean: 44

Coordinates: 467, 443

Past Worlds: Tau

Ingame Experience: Led large alliance in Tau got up to 2nd best in Ocean 75 and 6th in Ocean 33. Had three cities at quitting time to join Omega.

Inactivity: Was on Vacation for the past 4 days and am now very active. Also extremely active alliance forums.

Want an alliance in top 10 or powerful in my ocean.


I am not alliance Hopping I just need a temporary alliance, while I get my points back up so I can join MS again...


No it's called helping some of my buddies from Chi! and then going to the alliance that I have put my heart and soul into, but I don't think MS is taking me back... Oh well I like GAR anyways...


No it's called helping some of my buddies from Chi! and then going to the alliance that I have put my heart and soul into, but I don't think MS is taking me back... Oh well I like GAR anyways...

well how is that for a soul looking for a quick fix. Not MS material obviously if your willing to settle anywhere...just saying. Can't be to loyal to MS if your going to join our enemy. How stupid do you think we are?


:rolleyes: well for a temporary alliance look into one of the mra's. about the only people who would take you...
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What's an MRA and could chris delete this thread you are all just getting mad at me!


New, looking for an alliance

I just started yesterday, and I'm building up my village. Within the time of protection, I'll be about where I need to be, as in the help forum thing. I'll probably need help taking out my first adversary.

I will need advice, as well as support. Can anyone help???


Alliance hopping is a no-no, your not really helping anyone out besides joining a alliance and then leaving for another one. I would say you could join SIN, but I don't think you'd fit in.


We're looking at potential members in all oceans. Message Player Name: Sean Mina for details...Join_the_Sinestro_Corps_by_thisisanton.jpg