Looking for Co-Founder's


I do not have a stance until I can view a map.

This answer entails lots more than it first suggests. There are more aspects I've not divulged.

You fail to see what I've learned in 4 months. Also this is a new account with a different name. I was playing on another account.

I would like to also ask if you can't offer help or suggestions other than what could be construed as misconduct to refrain from posting.

I can tell you I've learned this much, I can be a better diplomat than you in the game and to me that is far more important than just squealing "I'm better than you, learn some skills"

Difference between me and you guy. I learn every aspect of the game, you obviously only focus on points and power.

So if you want to battle with proof of insult and fact based I quote you "It is better to light a candle then to curse the dark"

Should take your own advice. I saw you had a point and even messaged you about it. Instead of working to gain an ally you crushed it with insult thinking I'm a newb. To prove I have diplomatic ability, I could have gone the understanding route but its people like you that don't understand how to properly make a NAP/Ally, for a given length of time and allow your territory to be overrun with opposition. All you can hope for is that your alliance's growth out match's that of the others and if I think about it you would be an asset because of your obvious skill but I could with the right tools and right alliance eliminate that equation making the powerful weak in my favor.

This also has more aspect that I have not indulged. A true leader needs to know these in order to maintain order. Otherwise you are just another veteran with time xp and not a true vet in my opinion, you'll make mistakes in everything leading up to it.
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I can't believe it; Dobby is actually being helpful! :eek:

Oh my anjina.

Anywho, yes, not a bad idea you have here, but as Dobby said, reduce your cap dramatically! My alliance in Gamma never has more than 60 members, and is now ranked 8th in the world (ABP rank 4).

Large alliances never work.

Also, I would suggest that coming onto the public forum to find a co-leader is not wise. There are too many penguins about... ;)


You fail to see what I've learned in 4 months. Also this is a new account with a different name. I was playing on another account.

I would like to also ask if you can't offer help or suggestions other than what could be construed as misconduct to refrain from posting.

I can tell you I've learned this much, I can be a better diplomat than you in the game and to me that is far more important than just squealing "I'm better than you, learn some skills"

Difference between me and you guy. I learn every aspect of the game, you obviously only focus on points and power.

So if you want to battle with proof of insult and fact based I quote you "It is better to light a candle then to curse the dark"

Should take your own advice. I saw you had a point and even messaged you about it. Instead of working to gain an ally you crushed it with insult thinking I'm a newb. To prove I have diplomatic ability, I could have gone the understanding route but its people like you that don't understand how to properly make a NAP/Ally, for a given length of time and allow your territory to be overrun with opposition. All you can hope for is that your alliance's growth out match's that of the others and if I think about it you would be an asset because of your obvious skill but I could with the right tools and right alliance eliminate that equation making the powerful weak in my favor.


90% of what you said is untrue.... i couldnt reply cause i didnt have the time, i logged in, posted a few posts, got a sig, read your thing then i had to go.

And how do you know any of that? How does grepostats tell you whether or not i am able to make allies etc. How can you say your a better diplomat then me when you barely know me.

Plus if you are such a good diplomat, then why did you need to restart however many times you did, last time i checked, good diplomats make peace treaties and what not, not get forced to restart because of threat of attack or whatever. i commented about your low points because you claimed you were never conquered yet you have 1889 points after 4 months, thats like 30 restarts, why would someone need to restart so many times...unless you arent active, a good leader needs to be active.

Also, what does my quote have to do with any of this, that just proves you cannot interpret a simple quote. Nowhere in any of my posts did i claim i am a better leader then yourself, i simply remarked that you might not have the experience to be one based on your points. One can always claim to know the secrets of the universe but how do others know if that person actually does? I have no intention of replying to your message anymore because of your insults and accusations.

good day to you sir. rawr.

there enjoy your spaces T_T
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75% of what you said is untrue.... i couldnt reply cause i didnt have the time, i logged in, posted a few posts, got a sig, read your thing then i had to go. And how do you know any of that? How does grepostats tell you whether or not i am able to make allies etc. How can you say your a better diplomat then me when you barely know me, and if you are a good diplomat, then why did you need to restart however many times you did, last time i checked, good diplomats make peace treaties and what not, not get forced to restart because of threat of attack or whatever. i commented about your low points because you claimed you were not conquered yet you have 1889 points after 4 months, thats like 30 restarts, why would someone need to restart so many times... unless you arent active, a good leader needs to be active. Also, what does my quote have to do with any of this, that just proves you cannot interpret a simple quote. Nowhere in any of my posts did i claim i am a better leader then yourself, i simply remarked that you might not have the experience to be one based on your points. One can always claim to know the secrets of the universe but how do others know if that person actually does? I have no intention of replying to your thread anymore because of your insults and accusations.

good day to you sir. rawr.


I didn't even care to read the whole message. You've lost all professionalism in how you write. No real point, no real structure, all one angry message like your first two. I'll read this later and give you a epik rebuttal.

I've edited to reply to the above. I noticed you asked a question I already gave an answer to.

Grepostats tells me nothing of whether or not you can make allies. I've been dealing with what I perceive to be inexperienced diplomats who hold absolutely no structure in the way they approach a player. Exactly like how you just started poking fun. I didn't even look your grepo stats up because of how you answered I was able to determine you are a good player but not a good leader in my opinion. I've learned to read into a players leadership skills and what they will be good for and you would probably be a good battle strategist for attacking. I'd have to work with you more to determine if you could figure out defensive strats but based on your answers I'd say it is not one of your strengths.

I don't believe you to be a good diplomat because again you go straight to an attack when dealing with a potential leader.

Your quote says to light a candle instead of curse the dark. That to me as a diplomat means gain an ally instead of make an enemy and you completely failed to do that. So interpreting your quote seems to work fine in my eyes.

So far as restarting I answered that already. A good diplomat does make peace but I learned something important when starting an alliance on already populated worlds. Again this is something I will keep to myself because I don't care to share my knowledge on it. That is important information about the game and strat that a good leader knows not to indulge based on his diplomatic skills.

As for you not replying I believe I asked you not to unless you had something constructive to say and once I'm done writing this I have to read another one of your posts. You obviously do not have the skills I'm looking for other than your ability to be an active player. I will not be replying any further to you epik.
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You've lost all professionalism in how you write.

oh sorry i didnt realize we had to write essays -.-

and hitting "enter" makes your message so much more professional right? T_T
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epikness... as a man who specializes in *conning* people into reading posts comprised almost completely of meaningless garbage... I may be able to shed a little light here.

Spaces, indenting and carriage returns do NOT make your post anymore relevant, intelligent or meaningful.

But, they DO make your posts easier to read... and if people don't have to spend so much time and energy understanding what you are writing, they have more time and energy to understand what you are saying.

I hope that makes sense.
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epikness... as a man who specializes in *conning* people into reading posts comprised almost completely of meaningless garbage... I may be able to shed a little light here.

Spaces, indenting and carriage returns do NOT make your post anymore relevant, intelligent or meaningful.

But, they DO make your posts easier to read... and if people don't have to spend so much time and energy understanding what you are writing, they have more time and energy to understand what you are saying.

I hope that makes sense.

I have to disagree. They do make your post more intelligent and meaningful.

Its intelligent because you yourself gather your thoughts enough to make a meaningful reply. So far as relevant it really comes down to what the player says and the interest level of the people reading it.


I say:







How was that :D


I say:







How was that :D

I hate you

I was just about do the same before I saw this :(
But I do think with spacing between each point does make it easier to read and can say from experience I have just skipped posts because I just dont like the look of it cba decipher the meaning of the message or if its just a piece of spam from the spammers (i'l let you think on who that could be)

On to the point the alliance does seem to be well thought out however I believe it may be a world too soon for me too offer my expertise (yeah right) in helping with leadership in an alliance hoping to make it into the core, however if the offer was for a future world then I believe I may be off some help, or atleast I would hope I would be by then.
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I say:







How was that :D

But the thing is little penguin, that message was off topic as well :O

but i am the master of all things good.

i am epik

therefore i shall go back on topic

what world will this alliance be on?
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5 seconds

cheese is good

But anyhow, why look for leaders in a public forum, where you've barely met any of the people?


People in game are already attached to alliance's. I've found many people that want to start an alliance but just don't do enough in my eyes to be of real help. I figured using the forums may work. Doesn't seem to be any better though.


i have to disagree. They do make your post more intelligent and meaningful.

Its intelligent because you yourself gather your thoughts enough to make a meaningful reply. So far as relevant it really comes down to what the player says and the interest level of the people reading it.

are you calling me fat????