Militia are getting annoying :(


I just lost 37 horses to militia :( Im getting pretty annoyed now.

If you feel like me post your story :(


i lost a similar amount against a turtle. he doesn't need to build any troops, just keep building up his farm and he gets 15 per level :( he gets over 345 now. It makes it far too easy to turtle :/


47 hops to an 800 point player on a farming run. hurts too much. i like it when i'm defending, but if a village you're farming can suddenly summon over 100 militia, it makes life tough.


yeah. very annoying, but great for defence. i stopped kuj0's colony ship/troops with help from over 500 militia. it was a good highlight of that dark time in my playing career. :)


hate militia. regardless if i'm attacking or defending. grepo is already weighted to the defender with the wall. if you are getting farmed, join an aliiance that will support you.

furthermore, getting bpd for militia is BS. all they did was push a button and be online. not cool. shame on you Devs.


hate militia. regardless if i'm attacking or defending. grepo is already weighted to the defender with the wall. if you are getting farmed, join an aliiance that will support you.

Are you advocating seeking 'refugee' status?


Maybe I missed reading something in the world settings but, has anyone noticed that you are dealt a handicap when attacking players significantly lower in rankings than you. The handicap is in the form of negative moral.

This looks like a similar setting that TW uses only, I personally have not read anywhere in the game forum where it states that this is occurring in Grepolis.


Maybe I missed reading something in the world settings but, has anyone noticed that you are dealt a handicap when attacking players significantly lower in rankings than you. The handicap is in the form of negative moral.

This looks like a similar setting that TW uses only, I personally have not read anywhere in the game forum where it states that this is occurring in Grepolis.

Havent noticed it yet. Im only small 20000 ish points or so but i attack 1000 point famrs at 100% morale :) I posted somewhere that i thought morale works differently here than in tw since i wasnt seeing morale against 200 point players or so when i was at the 4000 point level but other players have said no you do see morale. So maybe we just need to get bigger first before seeing it something like maybe 40000 to 1000 or something like that.

Id love to see a morale chart if anyone has one.

Im on teh rim in gamma so havent really seen to much militia action. Only killed 425 or so militia. In epsilon ive lost over 1000 militia in defense killing more than 300 enemy troops :)


I killed 172 a week ago, I think it adds to realism, but it is yet another advantage to the turtles out there.


killed ~2000 militia so far...and the most sucky part about them is not that they killed troops of mine, but that they don't give least about that something should be done...:)


Currently we do not plan to implement this. Offering Battle Points for the Militia would defeat their purpose.

The Militia are designed to allow newer players to have a chance to defend adequately against the attacks of the larger players nearby without giving an advantage to the attacking player. It is a very valid strategy to simply use your Militia to defend while you are still building yourself up to an adequate level offering a strategy unique to Grepolis. This forces the attacker to think twice about the rewards he gets from plundering his smaller neighbours versus the much easier farming villages.

We have realised that the these were a little overpowered at higher levels and introduced a cap on them at level 25 in the latest update. This still gives smaller players the benefits but does not award the large players with a free and effective defence force.

This is from another thread, it's been addressed slightly, which is fine. You can't have BP for militia as thats too easy to exploit. But this update means it's of greater benefit to smaller players meaning they can hide their troops, still hurt bigger attackers and then once they've got units to fight back they can do so. Otherwise it's too easy for big players to crush small players constantly which means people quit the game and it grows stagnant.


This is from another thread, it's been addressed slightly, which is fine. You can't have BP for militia as thats too easy to exploit. But this update means it's of greater benefit to smaller players meaning they can hide their troops, still hurt bigger attackers and then once they've got units to fight back they can do so. Otherwise it's too easy for big players to crush small players constantly which means people quit the game and it grows stagnant.

They have a valid point tbh , and i like the change to higher level farm militia.


So the top militia is 15x25?=350?

It's better, but not great :)


Here are a couple of sims, a horrible, great, and medium sitiuation for the attacker if there are 350 militia:




Militia...Wow. Glad people I attack are too dense to utilize them.
