My first interaction at trying to join animal farm/pet cemetery

  • Thread starter DeletedUser42145
  • Start date


So I'm kind of salty, animal farm leadership seems like a complete joke, decent player here btw, came over here from the hellscape that is currently neapolis to try grow, have fun or enjoy the game, ended up trying to team up with animal farm or their sister alliance pet cemetery, i dunno how their leadership are actually leaders, like something obviously went wrong somewhere, managed to get into the sister alliance, they say ok ur a little small so we give u a week to grow, they also wanted me to write an introduction about myself and where i'm from and all that, 4 days later i am kicked from alliance with hardly any reason given, during this period i had mistakenly hit vm by mistake and was locked out for a whole day, i log back in after that and start growing again, one of their leaders/recruiters decides to leave me on read, not give much explanation, i'm told to get 10k points without any help so i do, except credit where credit is due to some of the line members of pet cemetery for trying to stick up for me and help me out, i was doing very well solo with a little support from this guy to take cities, true legend that helped me claim my 3rd city and grown well, One of the main leaders says he will give me a chance as he has inactives to clear out, I end up waiting maybe a few days, same guy keeps telling me he's forgetting, after i had landed and successfully conquered my 4th city solo with no outside help, 20 mins later get puts into revolt so i try get some help, the leader guy @AEGLAECA says he will get a guy to send me a message, i end up trying to talk to this recruiter guy again and still continues to leave me on read and not really care much by the way of things, i manage to get some support from the awesome line member Stewaert who had been helping me a lot through the tough times and trying to poke at leadership to give me a chance, I also lose my 4th city despite being left for dead, the deal leadership had made with me was obviously void without notice and a few hours later i was then given an invite by their recruiter who decided to mess me around i suppose by inviting me and leaving the invite up for maybe 30 mins while i was away and then quickly pulled it again before going back to leaving me on read when i tried talking to him again, about an hour or so later i am then invited to join animal farm so i pick up the invite and although i am rebuilding i ended up hitting vm yet again before i even saw this invite pop up as i was about done and ready to quit the game for good as i was mad and pretty annoyed after wasting my time trying to get somewhere just to join one alliance in hope of actually having some success in this game since my old days, after i got into animal farm i tried to proof some worth and cast spells where they needed them for support but i was left in that alliance for maybe 4 hours before they kicked me out yet again with no reason at all, same thing on their discord they were using too, so yeah that about sums up my interaction with the shitty leadership team of animal farm, The line members themselves are pretty awesome guys to play with, just sucks that their leaders are this badly organised towards potential new members they want to pick up or other stuff,


Oh so sorry thought you were booted because you had bp stats that were negligible and your growth was barely average and you were on vacation mode and lookin at your previous history really couldn’t see any point in having you but fortunately you managed to leave the incredibly poor alliance and should find one better suited to a man of your many qualities. Try nemesis


I was still playing in the conquest world while all of this was ongoing, i had no advisers as i had no interest in throwing money at Inno when i already knew it was probably going to come to this anyways, and i never left, i stopped playing the game for a few years i came back so any history i had would most likely only be recorded of neapolis,


Whatever happened to just leaving a world with a bit of grace. First we have Papa decide to announce that half the world have a pact with each other and everyone is against him. Now we have a guy who manages to accidentally hit VM twice claim it was animal farm's fault that he got kicked. Can people not just leave a world or alliance and accept it was because it's part of the game without announcing it over half the forum and trying to blame everyone else.

Evil MeIinoe

Whatever happened to just leaving a world with a bit of grace. First we have Papa decide to announce that half the world have a pact with each other and everyone is against him. Now we have a guy who manages to accidentally hit VM twice claim it was animal farm's fault that he got kicked. Can people not just leave a world or alliance and accept it was because it's part of the game without announcing it over half the forum and trying to blame everyone else.

What Ferrari said ^


1 First Message
Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.



Maybe we should have another external grepo site called 'alliance advisor', kinda like a review site for alliances.

You can post your experiences, say how comfy your bed was, rank it with a 'star' rating out of 5 etc etc.

You could review your previous alliances management also, how would you rate Pheonix for example, bloggs?

The externals are becoming a dang soap opera atm, perhaps an external mod would open a competion for most overly dramatic thread/post in the en126 ext?

We can all have a vote - i will even offer a real life prize of a can of beans mailed to the winner.....


The level of one hero doesnt mean much and you could buy coins during the event, the amount of coins you could get per token wasnt crazily appetizing, but i still found it useful to max aristotle and get other heroes some levels.

Van Helsing

Sorry to hear of your treatment by Animal Farm, Bloggs. I noted Binbads comment about joining Nemesis - well you could do a lot worse. We are considerate, fair, committed to equal opportunities, give free advice and have great Christmas parties. Sorry to say that recruitment is closed at the moment though..


Did animal farm just get the third branch? Or did they just explode?