New Farming overview for premium


They now introduced an ever greater advantage to premium player. With the new farming village feature that act as part of the Captain feature, it literally only takes a few seconds to demand from ten cities, making it possible for players with premium to make five-minutes demands constantly without suffering any strain.

Granted, I thought the new farming system was horrible, and this saved some of time-consumption. I was almost getting wrist-injuries from farming the other way, so I appreciate this. The problem is that it gives such a huge advantage to premium players.
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Hate to say I told you so :) haha nah not really I love it.


They now introduced an ever greater advantage to premium player. With the new farming village feature that act as part of the administrator, it literally only takes a few seconds to demand from ten cities, making it possible for players with premium to make five-minutes demands constantly without suffering any strain.

Granted, I thought the new farming system was horrible, and this saved some of time-consumption. I was almost getting wrist-injuries from farming the other way, so I appreciate this. The problem is that it gives such a huge advantage to premium players.

It doesn't actually give that much of an advantage, they still have to be online to farm. All it does is reduce the time they have to spend farming, this is almost a step back to what premium started off as (in Tribal wars) a time saving device.


Wow, a mod moved my post in another topic and made a new topic out of it. I guess that's what what I guess for posting off-topic, even though it was quite related to the discussion that developed in the other topic.

Furryicecubes, you are very wrong. Yes, they have to be online, but with how much easier it is for farm, it means that many more people will now be able to do 5 or 10 minute demands. They might not have bothered before as it basically meant that they had to spend every second of their time on Grepolis, but now you can do farming for a huge empire in very little time. I'm sure that in newer worlds, someone would give up farming frequently once they reach 40 cities, but with the new feature, it takes at most one second to demand for each city (depending on your internet and computer, of course). Even though I have been extremely active lately, there have been many times where it was impossible for me to keep up with 5-minute demanding. With this system, it's extremely easy, as long as I'm at the computer.

So, I'd say that this de facto means a 50% increase resource output on average for premium players. So, yeah, biggest advantage so far :)

I edited my main post now. Apparently it's not the Administrator that you need to use this feature, it's the Captain.
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Can someone explain to me how it works? I would be very interested...



Click on the city name on the left and it will select all farming villages. You can then choose whether to demand or loot and how many minutes. The 5-minute option will always be selected per default. You can just repeat the process once the farming villages are ready.
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I love you innogames, I actually love you :p

But seriously this is freaking awesome, to those who complain about the advantage it gives to premium players, they pay for the game, I think its fair enough we get an advantage, if you want it, theres nothing stopping you from buying it


curly123, that's a moot point. I think everyone agrees that it should be possible for non-premium players to compete on a relatively even level.


Wow, a mod moved my post in another topic and made a new topic out of it. I guess that's what what I guess for posting off-topic, even though it was quite related to the discussion that developed in the other topic.

Furryicecubes, you are very wrong. Yes, they have to be online, but with how much easier it is for farm, it means that many more people will now be able to do 5 or 10 minute demands. They might not have bothered before as it basically meant that they had to spend every second of their time on Grepolis, but now you can do farming for a huge empire in very little time. I'm sure that in newer worlds, someone would give up farming frequently once they reach 40 cities, but with the new feature, it takes at most one second to demand for each city (depending on your internet and computer, of course). Even though I have been extremely active lately, there have been many times where it was impossible for me to keep up with 5-minute demanding. With this system, it's extremely easy, as long as I'm at the computer.

So, I'd say that this de facto means a 50% increase resource output on average for premium players. So, yeah, biggest advantage so far :)

And you've still hit the biggest flaw in your arguement. They still have to be at the PC.

Premium should be about saving time, and that was what made Tribal Wars so popular, in an era of pay to play browser games simply having premium there did not grant you a massive advantage.

Yes, this provides a benefit, can it be countered by a non prem player putting in significant time and effort? To an extent yes. It still means that to farm a 40 empire city you have to spend 3 minutes or so (4 seconds a city, 1 second is a little unrealistic imo).

Also, how exactly does it provide a 50% resource increase?


New Farming overview for premium users is something needed for 1.26 version, now that's something I am all for and will make admin a must have accessory.
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Furryicecubes: Let me explain this to you again, since you don't seem to understand.

Farming with premium: All it requires to demand from all villages is two clicks. I can easily do this in less than a second per city. You can demand repeatedly with no strain and hardly any time consumption, so it takes little effort, and can easily be done all the time you are at you computer (which would average 4-5 hours a day for active players). If you have 40 cities, you can still easily demand from them regularly.

Farming without premium: No one is his right piece of mind would spend all the time in front of their computer making 5-minute demands, and if they did, their hands would tire after a few hours. Much more often, people could only make 5-minute demands for a short period. Since, with a handful of cities, making the 5-minute demands would pretty much take all your time, it would be hard to do this for a sustained period of time. Also, for each city you have, you require at least sixteen clicks, where the game will not always react instantly and you will not always be able to hit your click right. People would have to give themselves a break, making 20-minute demands the rest of the time. Even more often, people would get tired of making almost constant demands, with all the trouble is takes, and start making demands even less frequently, perhaps once every 90 minutes. Once people get 30-40 cities, demanding becomes a futile exercise. 5-minute demands wouldn't even be viable, since demanding would take more time than the wait for the next demand. Anyone who would demand from the cities would do so endless, easily tiring from this insurmountable task of repeated action.

That will easily amount to a 50% difference in resource income, especially with the easy overview and flow that the premium farming feature provides. I love it, but fear what it will do for this game, which is already more inactive than I'm comfortable with.


I love you innogames, I actually love you :p

But seriously this is freaking awesome, to those who complain about the advantage it gives to premium players, they pay for the game, I think its fair enough we get an advantage, if you want it, theres nothing stopping you from buying it

^This, word for word.^

+rep, When i can :rolleyes:


Furryicecubes: Let me explain this to you again, since you don't seem to understand.

Farming with premium: All it requires to demand from all villages is two clicks. I can easily do this in less than a second per city. You can demand repeatedly with no strain and hardly any time consumption, so it takes little effort, and can easily be done all the time you are at you computer (which would average 4-5 hours a day for active players). If you have 40 cities, you can still easily demand from them regularly.

Farming without premium: No one is his right piece of mind would spend all the time in front of their computer making 5-minute demands, and if they did, their hands would tire after a few hours. Much more often, people could only make 5-minute demands for a short period. Since, with a handful of cities, making the 5-minute demands would pretty much take all your time, it would be hard to do this for a sustained period of time. Also, for each city you have, you require at least sixteen clicks, where the game will not always react instantly and you will not always be able to hit your click right. People would have to give themselves a break, making 20-minute demands the rest of the time. Even more often, people would get tired of making almost constant demands, with all the trouble is takes, and start making demands even less frequently, perhaps once every 90 minutes. Once people get 30-40 cities, demanding becomes a futile exercise. 5-minute demands wouldn't even be viable, since demanding would take more time than the wait for the next demand. Anyone who would demand from the cities would do so endless, easily tiring from this insurmountable task of repeated action.

That will easily amount to a 50% difference in resource income, especially with the easy overview and flow that the premium farming feature provides. I love it, but fear what it will do for this game, which is already more inactive than I'm comfortable with.

So basically, you've decided to say it's 50% better? Over what time period? Of course it's better, the whole point of premium is that it provides an advantage, I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Premium provides an advantage, that's the whole point

In essence what you are saying is the same as me. The time saving is beneficial, but with time and effort it's less beneficial right? That's the idea.


Furryicecubes, it's not something I've decided - it's a simple deduction of what consequences of the different use of farming villages would mean, on average. It's not 50% better, it gets you 50% resources (on a daily or weekly basis; whichever). You cannot counter that by saying "premium is meant to give you an advantage". If there was a premium feature that straight out gave you such advantage (say, triple income from demanding from farming villages), there would be an outrage. I'm simply explaining why this is a very significant advantage - one that is too big. You're saying it's not; that it simply saves time :)


once again the game moves further and further away from free but is still advertised as so..... basically killing the playerbase for short term gain. Id say someones in a spot of bother from all these money grabbing schemes they've put in place.


I think most people fail to understand how much maintaining grepolis costs.


Skullyhoofd, if something like this destroys the player base of the game, it's hardly going to help cover the costs of running the servers.

I can hardly complain about Inno trying to make ends meet. This latest move, however, is concerning, and might end up as a wrong doing. For now, I just enjoy the incredibly easy farming village use :)


I'm not saying its cheap. I'm saying Don't shot yourself in the foot for a short term gain at the cost of potential customers.