Non political stats


I posted all the losses, it has to be fair to be actual stats otherwise its no use posting them. The stats i am posting are from Grepostats and date back to the 12th, it was a 10 day spread.

Can whoever negative repped me explain what the problem is with this thread, don't just hide behind the rep. If you tell me whats wrong i can sort it or even explain what the stats mean and where they came from
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Can whoever negative repped me explain what the problem is with this thread, don't just hide behind the rep. If you tell me whats wrong i can sort it or even explain what the stats mean and where they came from

yeah guys, don't be shy to post your name...


yeah guys, don't be shy to post your name...

seeing as those stats look very negative for LD, im going to take a guess that it was maybe an LD who posts in here. i would of plus repped you but i need to spread some more before i can rep you.

its likely repent or maciver who were quick in here to defend there alliance and point out flaws and correct you for a few harmless mistakes.

having been a victim of a negative rep campaign by LD and one or two of your members i can associate with you on this.

cowards come forth and speak. so speaks M90


Well, it wasn't me....

He deserves a + rep for his hard work if you ask me.

(and there goes chewedmatt again.... automatically assuming that is was either Repent or myself. Sorry, but as far as I know, LD member have more guts than that. If they had a problem with it, I'm pretty sure they would have said it nicely to Mike instead of sending him a blank - rep, though a blank rep sounds like something you or one of you pals would do.......)


though a blank rep sounds like something you or one of you pals would do.......)

and then post that it was someone else.

seeing as those stats look very negative for LD, im going to take a guess that it was maybe an LD who posts in here. i would of plus repped you but i need to spread some more before i can rep you.

its likely repent or maciver who were quick in here to defend there alliance and point out flaws and correct you for a few harmless mistakes.

having been a victim of a negative rep campaign by LD and one or two of your members i can associate with you on this.

cowards come forth and speak. so speaks M90

Question: What Is an Internet 'Troll'? How Should I Deal With Trolls?

Answer: An internet 'troll' is an abusive or obnoxious user who uses shock value to promote arguments and disharmony in online communities. Named after the wicked troll creatures of children's tales, an internet troll is someone who stirs up drama and abuses their online anonymity by purposely sowing hatred, bigotry, racism, mysogyny, or just simple bickering between others. Trolls like a big audience, so they frequent blog sites, news sites, discussion forums, and game chat. Trolls thrive in any environment where they are allowed to make public comments.

At the lighter end of the troll spectrum, trolls can be personal friends who like to goad and joke with their buddies online. In this case, 'trolling' will mean 'stop hassling me, or I won't invite you to my birthday party'.

At the harsher end of the troll spectrum, trolls are cruel and malicious users who want to set an online community on fire with hate and discord.

The Sad Truths of Internet Trolls:

Trolls are immune to criticism and logical arguments. True trolls cannot be reasoned with, regardless of how sound your logical argument is.
Trolls do not feel remorse like you and me. They have sociopathic tendencies, and accordingly, they delight in other people having hurt feelings.
Trolls consider themselves separate from the social order.
Trolls do not abide by etiquette or the rules of common courtesy.
Trolls consider themselves above social responsibility.
Trolls gain energy by you insulting them.
Trolls gain energy when you get angry.
The only way to deal with a troll is to ignore him, or take away his ability to post online.

How Should I Deal With Internet Trolls?

You cannot win with a troll. Publicly retaliating against them just fuels their childish need for attention. There are only 3 reliable ways to deal with trolls, all of which focus on removing their audience, removing their power, and depriving them of the attention they seek.

For a casual or emergent troll: completely ignore the person's postings. While it is difficult for most users to to let a troll have the last word, this tactic successfully takes the wind out of a casual troll's sails.
For repeating troll offenders: report them to the moderators of the system. If enough people report the toll, this will often prompt the moderators to take action (see number 3 below)
Have the moderators take away the troll's ability to post online. This will commonly mean that the troll is kicked from the system, or blocked by IP address. Even better is when the troll is allowed to continue posting, but unbeknownst to him: all of his postings are deleted from everyone else's view. This will lure the troll into wasting his efforts while still feeling proud of his childish antics. This moderator move is sometimes called 'muting' or 'bonzo-ing' the offender.

Where Do You Find Internet Trolls?

Ans: internet trolls are sadly common. They can be found wherever online users interact with each other. Trolls will abuse others in news blogs, political discussion forums, hobbyist communities online, Facebook pages, torrent search engine conversations, and in online game chat. Trolls have become very common in news sites. Many online news sources now avoid using open comment features because so many internet trolls will use this venue to post abusive comments as responses to news articles.

How Exactly Do Internet Trolls Abuse Others?

Ans: internet trolls seek to be disruptive and hurtful by using any of the following techniques:
Trolls will post abusive and hurtful comments directed at a specific person (aka "flaming" another person)
Trolls will incite broad arguments and provoke angry responses by making controversial statements. (e.g. racism, religious intolerance, bigoted or elitist views, mysogyny, extreme political views)
Trolls will narcissistically dominate conversations, trying to make themselves the center of attention. (e.g. nonstop comments about themselves and their accomplishments; repeated self-centered statements and bragging)
Trolls will start many off-topic threads, seeking to derail users from the focus of an online community.

Why Do People Enjoy Being Internet Trolls?

Ans: it is a kind of power rush or ego trip to be a troll. Being online is a place that is largely free of perceived consequences... an insecure person can get a sense of power online, without ever having to face someone directly. With the Internet being a world of imagination and fantasy for some, cowardly users can forge an alter ego for themselves, and act out their feelings of anger and inadequacy. It's sad and unfortunate that our advanced communications
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Well, it wasn't me....

He deserves a + rep for his hard work if you ask me.

(and there goes chewedmatt again.... automatically assuming that is was either Repent or myself. Sorry, but as far as I know, LD member have more guts than that. If they had a problem with it, I'm pretty sure they would have said it nicely to Mike instead of sending him a blank - rep, though a blank rep sounds like something you or one of you pals would do.......)

Because we come from a land far, far away......:eek:


- rep from me to Repent for spamming a great thread thought out by Mike. (of course I will have to spread some love 1st before I can -rep him) Where's that spike and black tape gone? :p


Well, it wasn't me....

He deserves a + rep for his hard work if you ask me.

(and there goes chewedmatt again.... automatically assuming that is was either Repent or myself. Sorry, but as far as I know, LD member have more guts than that. If they had a problem with it, I'm pretty sure they would have said it nicely to Mike instead of sending him a blank - rep, though a blank rep sounds like something you or one of you pals would do.......)

chewedmatt?? can you please call me by my name please and you and your friends stop calling me silly little names like children please its not somuc to ask to be called by my name or M90.

well seeing as i get positive rep from all the neutrals in here and they agree that i am kicking you guys around in this forum and making you look like children. you guys are the ones giving me all unsigned neg rep all the time ive dropped back in to red 2 or 3 times now until a neutral positive reps me so im back to green.

@repent, if im an internet troll then why dont you and the mighty LD stop CSing the innactives and do something about me. ive just moved into your island after CSing a 9K city off one of your firends and you havent done anything to me. although i had incoming off my BP farm forseti. i guess he was annoyed at the 67LS and the CS i burned in his harbor 2 days ago. can you tell forseti to keep the BP coming. im loving his help right now. its keeping me entertained in this world.
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I would like to see this thread get back on track.

Mike this "Non Political Stats" thread was a great idea, too bad politics found their way into it:(

+ rep for the attempt


Politics find their way into everything lol. It doesn't help that pretty much the only people who use the forum on Delos are warring against each other though.


Got a little bored and decided to look through some old threads and have a giggle,I kinda miss mathchew and the pathetic things he used to say.

These forums have died since he,nodcrush and exploro stopped posting here.
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Nod wrote me saying he was coming back, so don't expire from sadness yet :p