Number 1 defender


ok a few days ago I got asked this by this guy anyone want to help him by explaining how I am the number 1 defender in game????:eek::eek:

ckcrazy on 6/26/11 at 12:48 AM
hi, how you doing?
hope you don't mind me bothering you but was wondering how you became the best defender?

got to love paths hope they can fill people in. maybe there is others that can help him understand.:p


Yep...your not very well liked-lol- Dont worry I am #5 BUT I DONT SEE YOU STAYING NUMBER ONE FOR LONG LOL


yeah I will take that bet, I dont see anyone from Anarchy or the exiles wising up and leaving me alone-lol


Wising up? a few days into the exile campaign and you lose a city :D
And using the vm excuse doesn't cut it. you were online when the Cs landed.


hahahaha if possible id bet money (i wont and cant) that KB WILL take number 1 in defending.

ya he might have lost the city but how many tries did it take, how many attacks were launched to get it.

since this is supposedly a personal war (exiles vs KB), and seeing how bad the attacks are, you guys will boost KB to no.1 and beyond


As long as I'm kicking down in 36 I doubt it. They don't like me there.

and I think the fact that my first real attempt (not including the one I tried sneaking in) got the city is what matters. Infact, 5 cs's in less than 48 hours is kinda cool if you ask me. As my dear friend Hali once said:
pound a city, get someone to send a Cs, if it fails, another person sends one, and they keep sending until they get the city.
It is a rather good way of getting a city.

Also, you seem to have come on here, mouth shooting off, While your claim to fame is taking a few BW cities, and no clue as to what s really happening other than what has been said here. I don't get it. It's like you're basically copying and pasting what someone else has said to somewhere else where it is mildlu relevant.


put it this way, when BW falls ill create a thread. entitled THE STORY OF BW. and you will see my claim to fame. the leadership in SE know very well of me and what is happening, but cant know yet. and im also here to annoy you guys...kinda like a protogie to KB :p

and please show me where im getting what im saying if im "copying and pasting"


hahahaha if possible id bet money (i wont and cant) that KB WILL take number 1 in defending.

ya he might have lost the city but how many tries did it take, how many attacks were launched to get it.

since this is supposedly a personal war (exiles vs KB), and seeing how bad the attacks are, you guys will boost KB to no.1 and beyond

That's been mentioned in like 4 different bits.

So's that.


ya because so far, that can be used against you. your horrible attacks. will boost him to no.1 defender. im supporting my statement. at least i pay(d) attention in school

BW won't fall that's a guarantee

then why are you retreating from us?????


You sound as though you are still AT school.

And as I said, I made 2 tight attacks and took my city with no problem.

And to be clear, I said you were churning up old arguments used by others, because you are just here as a sentence filler really, no opinions of your own, just what everyone else thinks


Sparkz you are correct about your 2 attacks. However the fact you just said about sending cs after cs shows the difference on our thinking. With that 1 city for every 4 troops you sent I lost one...You took the city you are right but in return gave me 3 city slots and at 380 CP each slot that is a ridiculous amount of BP. You also in return guarded my city with Sarissa/Exile Troops and killed off Sarissa/Exile Attacks in huge numbers no less

I had no doubt you guys would take the city..However you did a terrible job at it and in return gave me way more BP then I should have had....Also with 9 other cities on that island why did you all not go all offense build huge nukes and attack me with them at once. With a 30 minute travel time It would have been impossible for me to defend and the BP ratio would have been in your favor...Claiming you got the city as a victory is the most foolish thing you can say, especially given the island, the location and the amount of time and attacks it took....

Honestly you guys should be ashamed, not proud that you finally got it


We were doing that, but we were taking out everything else first.

As for it being a bit of a mess, yes it was a little. But there was little pre planning, it was done mid time, A mail from Daler saying he had sent this to the city and we should take it. not using it as an excuse but it was fun, and that's why I think being in 25 opposed to 36 sometimes, I have little clue as to what will happen as I rely on more people a lot more. If it was 36 it would have been over with in a whim because both us and A&R have fought into that ocean so we know what to do more effectively, but it's much less fun cause we always win. in 25 I have no idea cause I have 5 cities there and I'm still managing to tak cities, much less efficiently, but more risky and fun.

anyway, that's what I think.


how am i churning up old topics? its been under a week since you droped the pact. and KB posted about it. and i replied after it. your just upset that your horrible timing and bad mistakes can be used on mult threads :p


natecp, you truly show that you are a mature person.

for everyone's knowledge, natecp is currently mail spamming one of our members as that member is attacking SE cities which has natecp troops there.

so natecp think it is mature and "grown up" to send spam messages in return for reports on his support.

wow, you must be really proud to have him around SE, taught him well....


actually my ops are down so if im gunna sit in the water im gunna make it a lil fun,

like you all say "this is a game" who said i should be mature. and two this is a greek games. chivalry didnt come into use untill midieval ages :p

sooooo i think i can have as much fun as i want


Nate is just having a good time, even though he is not that good as KB at it I am sure he will get the hang of it...Eagerness and Activeness is the key to greatness and If Nate keeps it up he will get there....

Funny to see the Exiles finally come on here and the only thing they have to say on the manner is Spam mailing there members... Speaking Of spam mail it would be quite interesting to tell epsilon on the spam mail that was sent to the mindless members of the exiles that received the mail about going to war with SE simply because KB needs to be knocked down to Size, which I may add was sent by you personally. Tell us oh mighty leader of the exiles[KB RoLLS ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING HYSTERICAL WITH TEARS IN HIS EYES]How did your dual attempts on taking my city and knocking me down to size work for you, Pathetic Attempt really for all to know....Support like 10 minutes behind-lol- like a 5th grader[I really should not insult 5th graders like that]You know since you accused me of the hype I figure I might as well make good on the BS name you gave me and your members let you get away with....However I give you credit..Unlike sparkz you actually tried and not make others sacrifice all of their troops for your reward

GD if you wanna talk about something you should talk about how the exiles go around backstabbing alliances that have not only protected them but help them grow [Swarm,SE]. Exiles are mainly made up of alliances that SE beat besides many inactives and when Rens was talking about going to war with you Guys it was SE mainly that politely asked them not to.....

Hey Enga you talk about puppets to the SE alliance well the exiles are the biggest puppets of them all....
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