Milestones of Zacynthus

  • Thread starter Venomvine The Warped
  • Start date


Zacynthus Milestones


Polis Count

2 Towns: Nirson.E.Gjoni
5 Towns:
10 Towns:
25 Towns:
50 Towns:
100 Towns:
250 Towns:


2,000 Points: BadLlama
5,000 Points: Nirson.E.Gjoni
10,000 Points:
25,000 Points:
50,000 Points:
100k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:

Attack Battle Points

1k Pts:EggMinister
2k Points:
5k Points:
10k Points:
25k Points:
50k Points:
125k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:

Defense Battle Points

500 Points:
5k Points:
10k Points:
25k Points:
50k Points:
125k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:

Total Battle Points

10k Points:
25k Points:
50k Points:
100k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:

Militia Kills

5k kills:
10k kills:
25k kills:
50k kills:
100k kills:

Alliance Milestones


100 Towns: Most Wanted
200 Towns:
350 Towns:
500 Towns:
1,500 Towns:
3,500 Towns:
10,00 Towns:
25,000 Towns:
50,000 Towns:


250k Points: Elite Warriors
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:
5 Million Points:
10 Million Points:
25 Million Points:
50 Million Points:

Average Points
(Must have at least 20 members)

1k Points: The Lord of Rings
5k Points:
10k points:
20k Points:
50k Points:
100k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:

Battle Points Attack

25k: The Syndicate
50k: The Syndicate
100k: The Syndicate
1 Million:
5 Million:
10 Million:
20 Million:

Battle Points Defense

10k: The Syndicate
25k: The Syndicate
1 Million:
5 Million:
10 Million:
20 Million:

Battle Points Total

5k Points:
10k Points:
25k Points: Syndicate
50k Points: The Syndicate
100k points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million:
5 Million:
10 Million:
20 Million:​

Miscellaneous Milestones

First Little War (25 Conquests on each side):
First Big War (50 Conquests on each side):
First Major War (200 Conquests on each side):

First person to...

Conquer an active player (2,000+ pts.):
Conquer an inactive or ghost player:

Perform a Minor Disband (With founder rights, dissolve an alliance that has 10+members):

Perform a Major Disband (With founder rights, dissolve an alliance that has 30+members):

Perform a Major Sabotage (with leader rights, kick out every member):

Betray their alliance (When two alliances are at war, one member switches sides..):

Rim a Mod (has to be active):


Alliance Miscellaneous Milestones

First alliance to...

Build a World Wonder:
Build 2 World Wonders:
Build 4 World Wonders:

Conquer 50 cities from another alliance:
Conquer 100 cities from another alliance:

Take 50 cities in one week (will use grepostats as proof):
Take 100 cities in one week (will use grepostats as proof):

Achieve 1,000 colonization gains:
Achieve 5,000 colonization gains:

Top their ocean's player ranks (each player must have 5 cities min):
Top global player ranks (each player must have 5 cities min.):
Top two of the core oceans (must have at least 100 cities in each):
Top all four of the core oceans (must have at least 100 cities in each):

To have a Public Coalition formed against them (three top 12 alliances must all be over 400k pts.):

Additional Credit to: bend24
Last edited by a moderator:


First to 2000 points BadLlama

It's not Sims, this is a war game.

No means to advertise, but go play Sims if that's what you're into. Or even MineCraft where you can play creative, and save your money ;)



Gonna call first on this one. Anyone faster?


I started 14 hours after the world open so I'll still call first xD


Gratz bro!

I need to smash someone, I've been saving troops for my 8th farm, that's a bummer, falling behind, went from #3 to #8, but I will come back strong after it.


I can get it without many losses, no one in the area can take me down, or at least not without insane help which would probably be more negative than positive, but with 7 farms I'm already hitting the cap every day.


there should be first to destroy the most units.
for example 1000- that was me.