Olympia Alliance 101


Welcome! We Are Olympia Alliance!

We always welcome new players and seasoned players. A non-aggressive alliance we tend to follow the rules of "do not fire unless fired upon". If you like us, contact us and we'll make you part of our group!


1.) You may not attack other alliance cities without consulting alliance council members.

2.) We do not attack other alliances unless provoked to do so.

3.) All single players with no alliance affiliation are free for the conquering by any alliance member. If you need help, alliance members are encouraged to help you but are not obligated. You are encouraged to attack and capture all cities within your reach that are inactive.

4.) You may not attack any alliance member unless we as a council have authorized the siege.

5.) No one member may declare war on any alliance. If you do so you will be terminated.

6.) Our main objective as an alliance is coverage and forming PACTS with other Alliances to take this land as a strong hold and protect those just starting by encouraging them to join us. Fair play is our motive and dissolving hot-headed single-players is our game.

7.) We do not use foul language in boards, messages, or forums. Knowledge of doing so will get you booted and pillaged.

8.) Support each other as we can, if we can.

9.) New members will not be treated as newbies. They are given as much help as possible and are not looked down upon. Help newcomers to the alliance!

10.) War waging is a last resort after diplomacy.

* Have questions, want to join? Contact me: fortunateson (D) Master Chief


I'm actually not particularly worried, but thanks for the concern.


We are not worried about you if that's what your getting at...


Don't get me wrong, you guys are really powerful and I don't want to cross you. But I would like to believe we are good terms, are we not? I haven't done anything to offend you have I?