Pnp Operation April Fools

  • Thread starter DeletedUser19042
  • Start date


Operation April Fools

Soon after the war between Krypteia and The Myrmidons started, council members of The Myrmidons decided to try recruiting Krypteia members. Ofcorse the Krypteia leadership brought this up with The Myrmidons, but yet these recruiting efforts persisted. So it was decided, Myrm must be taught a lesson.

The Myrm council members were in fact so engaged in recruiting Krypteia players, that their council members freely gave up their own cities as a signing bonus.




Of course offering Myrm cities wasn't enough, the Myrm council also saw it fit to support this Krypteia player with over 10k birs and 20k LDU. Ofcorse these troops could've been used to support Myrm players but no, poaching one of Krypteia's best was deemed a priority.



While we were at it we figured, why not have some fun with OV as well? Since the world started they've been playing kissy-kissy with every single alliance in an effort to battle Krypteia. AoE, Nemesis, Vengeance, Phoenix. Now even Myrm and Bish. So why not sink a couple of OV CSs along the way?


It says a lot when an Alliance's council makes such a tremendous mistake. Not only have the Myrm leaders lost all honor and credibility on this world of Gela, but they betrayed the trust of their own members. April Fools indeed.

In the end the war of Gela will be decided with CSs and LS nukes, but let this serve as a warning to all enemies of Krypteia. If you think you're better than us, you are not. If you think you've outsmarted us, you have not. If you think you have won, you have lost. There is no hope for Victory against the mighty Krypteia Red, only inevitable defeat.

And so I bid you adieu my dear Sirs. Say your goodbyes, and prepare for a permanent visit to Hades (blessed be his name).

By your reporter on Place,
SonOfMacedon -
General of the Krypteian Phalanx Task Force, Diplomat of the South-South Eastern Regions, Commodore of the Supreme Oceanic Poseidon Tactical Task Group, Brother of the Order of The T, Director of Alliance Internal Affairs and Strategic Planning, Regional Commander of the Alliance Counter-Intelligence Agency (OTPHJ division).

Posted by Jorisva1

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April Fools day is fun

I was hoping to be able to take some of Barneys cities.. oh well


Can anyone send this link to ScotsDG1?

You will find him in Lindos...


Barney wanted to share these. OV/Myrms, dont click...




...I told you not to click OV!


"Regional Commander of the Alliance Counter-Intelligence Agency (OTPHJ division)." Just reading all the BS, are you guys for real.

It is quite funny though, well done the joke is on us. :)


Wasn't there another thread saying the Myrmidons couldn't be trusted and were the ones to betray their pact.

This will show how the relationship really works. The underhand acts that is Krypteia.

They cannot be trusted. We've kept quiet until now. but we are not the bad guys.

I really cannot believe what lies and tactics they will introduce to ensure they will win. Well done if you do win the world, but at least we know we have played the game with morals.



Wasn't there another thread saying the Myrmidons couldn't be trusted and were the ones to betray their pact.

This will show how the relationship really works. The underhand acts that is Krypteia.

They cannot be trusted. We've kept quiet until now. but we are not the bad guys.

I really cannot believe what lies and tactics they will introduce to ensure they will win. Well done if you do win the world, but at least we know we have played the game with morals.


Anonymous Krypteian Leader said:
Please take the time to get your facts straight Baul.

We have resorted to no underhand tactics. We never have and we never will. Spies, who ever knows about them, they always exist and there's not much that can be done about them, the leadership here do not encourage them, in fact we stop our members from such undertakings.

As for Scot, we have the messages he was sending all over our alliance trying to recruit our players, I asked him nicely to stop, he then approached SOM.

As for the comments I saw elsewhere about us breaking the pact... Rubbish, we never attacked you first in the slightest, in fact we waited till day 2 off the End Of Nap arrangement before attacking, this was 48 hours after MANY MANY of your members were supporting enemy sieges, attacking our sieges etc etc etc.. the evidence is endless.

So please keep your mud slinging to yourself, we work on facts here and you can ask all the Krypt family if we insist they play with morals and the answer will only ever be yes.



I'm not taking sides here but wouldn't anyone say something good about their leaders even if they were cruel, evel people (not that anyone here is cruel) through fear of being kicked out of a mighty alliance that would take all of their cities?
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So you are saying Krypt players will only ever say good things about Krypt leaders because they are afraid we will kick them and take their cities otherwise?


I wish this were true.


Guest actually is....(smirks, and then realizes that Slay is a leader...)

Owh..eumh...hey slay...what's up dude? Hey, why that gun? come on I'm sure we can ta...*BANG*


Anyway, it isn't true. lol


It was just a suggestion. As I said I'm not taking sides but it could happen to any alliance.



Anyway back on topic, Operation April Fools would never have occurred if it weren't for the insistent attempts by ScotsDG1 to get players to change sides. From what I've seen, the OV players that were pulled into it were actually quite humble about the situation, and showed a healthy scepticism. On the other hand, the Myrmidions seem unable to accept what happened, and now have the audacity to make thinly veiled accusations about Krypteias leadership. It's you guys who need to have a hard look at yourselves.

Credit to Barney and the others that made it possible. You guys rock.
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Frankly i find this whole thing underhanded and dirty! those players in Krypteia leadership should be ashamed of themselves :pro: