PnP Decent - Coming to Xi


This PnP is made strictly for the following purpose:


Yes folks, when Xi opens, there will be an alliance called "Decent" but only for five minutes. This is strictly to fulfil the milestone criteria of "First Decent PnP on Xi" and make TGT cry!

Is this a good PnP? Heck no. Does it fulfill the requirements? Yes, it is a Decent PnP.

End of story.

TGT, go cry!

(Reference: TGT's Lame attempt)
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This PnP is made strictly for the following purpose:


Yes folks, when Xi opens, there will be an alliance called "Decent" but only for five minutes. This is strictly to fulfil the milestone criteria of "First Decent PnP on Xi" and make TGT cry!

Is this a good PnP? Heck no. Does it fulfill the requirements? Yes, it is a Decent PnP.

End of story.

TGT, go cry!

(Reference: TGT's Lame attempt

Um.... I already won the award... but good luck :p and why is there a picture of coal?


leggy6 you beast i was just making something up like this. :(