Post your walls


Suppose we can bring this back to life...
Don't laugh I only attack in bursts but here is my wall :p



My god, what did you do to that poor Hoplite? o_O

(please stay on topic(The topic is your walls and discussion henceforthwith(triple parentheses just coz)))


[font=Courier New]City wall
Defeated... an attacker (147356)
30651 16686 20839 23039  2294  2121   127     6    44    13     3    21    22    12    49 
[color=#060]  808     2   337   671           3                                  10                   [/color]
    2  4558 26427   125  2467  1136   311    10     1 15640   752 
[color=#060]         25    60         122                           219       [/color] a defender (594021)
 5638 300530  4380 138412 32896 11179  1992   163     6    14    20    71   374    65   521 
[color=#060]    3 26369    50 11449  4249  1243   283    51                           104         157 [/color]
   50 82885   406   275 10744  2960    60    30   350 
[color=#060]    7  6944     8        1233    71     2     7       [/color]
Losses... an attacker (222650)
 1937 106737  1437 69108  6698  2469   703    15     1    69     3   206    21 29244  3635 
[color=#060]   21  1756     5  3613          14     1                                        76    16 [/color]
  292    11    64 
[color=#060]                  [/color] a defender (84946)
15412  1902 14140 26320   142  1057    42    84   260     7   244 11853   982     1     2 
[color=#060]  510     7  1283  2340          72     2    40    89          14   968    76           1 [/color]
12488    10 
[color=#060] 3384       [/color]
[url=]Grepolis Report Converter[/url] - ver. 2.2.2 created by Potusek[/font]

Sorry but have no idea how to post like you have. If someone can explain i will edit the post. Thank you
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But not as easy to read as the other peoples. I felt like a Noob trying to figure out how to post it...